On this day….(February 24)

On this day, 24 February 1941, Shotokan master, Masahiko Tanaka, was born in Tokyo, Japan. Known for his great skill in kumite, Tanaka, a long time member of the JKA, won the 1st and 2nd IAKF World Karate Championships held in Los Angeles and Bremen. He also won the JKA All-Japan Individual kumite on two occasions. …

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On this day….(February 23)

On this day, 23 February 1966, Edward Whitcher and Robert Williams of the British Karate Federation’s London dojo are graded to 1st kyu by Hirokazu Kanazawa. They were the first students in Britain to be graded to 1st kyu by the Japan Karate Association.

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On this day….(February 22)

On this day, 22 February 1964, Hiroo Mochizuki, representing Yoseikan Karate, arrived in the UK for a three day visit. He was invited by the British Karate Federation (BKF) to conduct lessons at their London and York dojos. He also conducted a grading at the York dojo.

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On this day….(February 21)

On this day, 21 February 1956, the earliest known letter is written by Vernon Bell to Henri Plee. It is believed that Bell wrote to the Fédération Française de Karaté on becoming affiliated with them. On this day, 21 February 1995, Stephen Cattle died following an epileptic fit. He was only forty-seven. Until his untimely death Cattle …

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On this day….(February 20)

On this day, 20 February 1986, Kata World Champion Rika Usami was born in Tokyo, Japan. A student of Karate master Yoshimi Inoue, Usami won the 2012 WKF World Championship Kata final held in Paris, France. She is known for her grace, strength and speed that mesmerize in equal measures.

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On this day….(February 17)

On this day, 17 February 1947, Nicholas Adamou was born. Adamou began his karate training, alongside his older brother Chris, in 1964 British Karate Federation’s London dojo. When Hirokazu Kanazawa began teaching JKA Shotakan for the BKF in 1965, Adamou and his brother become devoted students of Kanazawa. Following the split from the the BKF, …

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On this day….(February 11)

On this day, 11 February 1966, Jack Green, instructor of the British Karate Federation’s Blackpool dojo was graded to 1st Dan under Keinosuke Enoeda. He was the third man in Great Britain to be award his Shodan, after Andrew Sherry and Joseph Chialton had been graded the previous day in Liverpool.

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On this day….(January 29)

Hironori Ōtsuka dies jan 29 1982

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On this day….(January 20)

On this day, 20 January 1938, a pioneer of Shotokan in Central England, Cyril Cummins was born. Cummins began his karate training in 1964  at the Kyu-Shin-Kan School of Judo Ltd, Located in Birmingham. His initial instructors were Jonny Brown, Tommy Ryan and Les Hart. They had learnt their karate mainly from Hidetaka Nishiyama‘s book, …

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On this day….(January 20)

Gōgen Yamaguchi born on Jan 20 1909.

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