Category: General

On this day….(May 13)

On this day, 13 May 1933, Charles Naylor, a former Vice-Chairman of the Karate Union of Great Britain (KUGB), was born in Hubli, South West India. Naylor left school aged 14 and for a time worked as a cabin boy. He eventually arrived in Liverpool, England in 1948, aged 15. After achieving a Higher National …

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On this day….(May 10)

On this day, 10 May 1957, the founder of Shotokan karate, Gichin Funakoshi, was laid to rest at the Zen Sho-ji temple in Kakiu. He was cremated and his ashes laid alongside those if his wife. Funakoshi had died on 26 April, in a Tokyo hospital, surrounded by his close family and his student Shigeru …

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On this day….(May 9)

On this day, 9 May 1970, the 4th KUGB National Championships took place in Crystal Palace, London. Andrew Sherry became Grand Champion for the second time, having previously won the the title in 1968. Sherry performed his favorite kata, Empi, in winning the kata title. The Liverpool Red Triangle Team continued their dominance of the …

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On this day….(April 11)

On this day, 11 April 1907, Minoru Mochizuki, founder of the Yoseikan dojo, was born in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Mochizuki was one of the few men to have been a direct student of the three great Budo masters, Jigoro Kano, Morihei Uesiba and Gichin Funakoshi. An accomplished martial artist, Mochizuki held a 10th Dan in …

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Dominique Valera

… Contact is the one and only thing that can establish the truth in a combat sport! This does not mean that we have to go back to the Survival Games of old. Mastery is when you touch with control without hurting. Dominique Valera Arguably Europe’s best-known Karate competitor of the 1960s and 1970s, Dominique Valera, a …

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On this day….(March 30)

On this day, March 30, 2003 Shotokan Karate master, Keinosuke Enoeda, died from stomach cancer Born on 4th July 1935, in  Fukuoka, Japan, to family descended from the samurai, Enoeda attended Takushoku University, where he trained under Masatoshi Nakayama. He was a graduate of the JKA’s Instructor Course and also a former JKA All-Japan Champion …

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On this day….(March 20)

On this day, 20 March 1928, Gichin Funakoshi gives a karate display with fifteen of students by Imperial invitation at the place grounds of Sainei-kan. On this day, 20 March 1955, The Japan Karate Association (JKA0 is founded. Masatoshi Nakayama is appointed the chief instructor and Masatomo Takagi is appointed secretary of the association. On …

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On this day….(March 14)

On this day, 14th March 1946, Michael Billman, a high ranking karate administrator, was born in the East End of London. At school, Billman had been a keen rugby player having trials with the Saracens Rugby Club. On leaving school he took up amateur boxing. In 1969 he began his karate training at a club run …

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On this day….(March 13)

On this day, 13 March 1957, Vernon Bell was awarded his black belt in Yoseikan karate from the Fédération Française de Karaté, under Hiroo Mochizuki and Henri Plee. Bell had started training with Plee towards the end of 1955. He had made frequent visits to Plee’s Paris dojo. After around eighteen monthes he graded for his 1st Dan. Bell …

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On this day….(March 10)

On this day, 10 March 1945, the Shotokan dojo was destroyed during the bombing raid of Tokyo by American B29 bombers, during World War II. The Shotokan dojo had been built in the Zoshigaya neighbourhood of Toshima Ward, Tokyo, in 1936, after funds had been raised by karate supporters for a dojo. Gichin Funakoshi recalls, …

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