Tag: Masatoshi Nakayama

Kensuke Seto

Every day we train Karate, basics, kumite, kata. Competition is just a testing place. Kensuke Seto A student of Masatoshi Nakayama, Kensuke Seto has been at the forefront of good technical Karate for many years. Kensuke Seto was born on 6 February 1946 in Manchuria, China. His Japanese father was posted in occupied Manchuria. At …

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Kousaku Yokota

To me, winning has very little meaning. Tournament Karate is quite different from real fighting. It is good to have that experience to get motivated to face some nervous situations. But we must know and understand the real purpose and objectives that you should get from the tournament. Kousaku Yokota Having trained in the martial …

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Yuichi Negishi

Sport is necessary for it to be known worldwide, so that it can be a discipline in the Olympic Games. The sporting part, however, is just the beginning. One must not forget its origins. When you are young you can practice the sporting part, but when you reach a certain age you can no longer …

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Charles Gidley

One should be graded on merit, knowledge, and attitude to the art, as well as one’s capability to pass on the information and therefore maintain a high standard. Charles Gidley Described as an instructor’s instructor, Charles Gidley has developed an extensive knowledge of Shotokan Karate. He has the ability to transmit this knowledge to others. …

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Norio Kawasoe

Known for his crisp and precise techniques, Norio Kawasoe was a much-respected instructor who was frequently invited to teach courses worldwide. Norio Kawasoe was born on 11 April 1951, in Saga, Japan. He began practising Shotokan Karate at Saga High School. In 1970 Kawasoe enrolled at Takushoku University. He joined the university’s Karate club, training …

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Katsuya Kisaka

Known for his aggressive fighting style, and exceptional kicking ability, Katsuya Kisaka was the Chief Instructor of the JKA New Jersey dojo for over 40 years. Katsuya Kisaka was born in Hiroshima, Japan, on 21 July 1937 On 6 August 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Kisaka’s home city of Hiroshima, during …

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Greer Golden

One of the first non-Japanese Shotokan instructors in the United States, Greer Golden was a great communicator. He was well respected by his students and peers alike. Greer Golden was born on 12 March 1937, in Washington, DC. He and his family moved to southwestern Florida, where he grew up playing in the great outdoors. …

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Shiro Asano

Technique comes to some students quickly and to others slowly. But, with more training, everything grows. Students must ‘nichi nichi no keko’ – train harder, over and over again. Shiro Asano A no-nonsense karateka and a man of few words, hard training has been a way of life for Shiro Asano. He has always been …

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Yukichi Tabata

Nicknamed the ‘Happy Giant’ because of his easy-going demeanour, Yukichi Tabata stood over 6 ft, which was tall for a Japanese man. A member of the Japanese National Team for many years, he had a reputation for being a very tough fighter. Yukichi Tabata was born in Japan in 1943. After graduating from university in …

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Yoshikazu Sumi

Training with action and reaction, mostly good kihon too. Jiyu ippon kumite (semi freestyle) teaches good kumite. Also do not forget kata. We must practice everything equally, then kumite will improve for sure. Yoshikazu Sumi Known for his great spirit and sense of humour, Yoshikazu Sumi’s movement has been described as being strong and fluid. …

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