Category: General

Quote 175

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This week in history (15 April – 21 April)

15 April On 15 April 1987 Shotokan Karate legend, Masatoshi Nakayama, died in Tokyo, Japan aged 74 years. Nakayama guided the JKA through its difficult early days and through his hard work made it into one of the biggest and most respected Shotokan associations in the world. Many of the students trained by Nakayama describe …

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Quote 174

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Cover Star: Mas Oyama

Born Choi Young-Eui in Korea, Masatatsu Oyama was the founder of Kyokushin Karate. He studied under Karate masters, Gichin Funakoshi and Gogen Yamaguchi. Oyama was famed for testing his strength against bulls. It is thought that over time he battled around 52 bulls. Below are some of the magazine covers to feature this iconic master. …

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Quote 173

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Quote 172

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Hidetaka Nishiyama

Martial arts philosophy is not based on victory or fighting, but rather on finding a way to avoid violence through having the ability to defend yourself if needed. In Karate, through self-defence techniques we develop the awareness and sensitivity to the person facing us, we learn to feel the danger and go around it. Hidetaka …

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Quote 171

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Quote 170

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Quote 169

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