Tag: Gichin Funakoshi

Richard Kim

There are many karatekas who believe in taking this form and that form to use as their total armament. To me, this is unnecessary. Call it the ‘purist view’ if you will, but if you learn just a few moves, and they are effective, that is all you need. Richard Kim To see Richard Kim, …

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Shigeru Egami

Shigeru Egami has been described as fearsome and possessing both physical and psychological strength. Although not commonly recognized in the West, Egami is considered Gichin Funakoshi’s one student who most closely followed his Principles, especially in the belief that Karate was not just a physical pursuit. Egami was born on the 7th of December 1912 …

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This week in history (4 May – 10 May)

3 May On 3 May 1931, Shotokan master, Hirokazu Kanazawa was born in Iwate Prefecture, Japan. A legend of Karate much has been written about Kanazawa. For many years he has been one of the most recognisable faces of Karate. Considered by many to be the greatest of the Shotokan Masters, he is arguably one …

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This week in history (20 Apr – 26 Apr)

20 April On 20 April 1960, Luis Maria Sanz was born in Vallodolid, Spain. He has been described as “the last link between traditional and competitive Karate“. Luis Maria Sanz holds a notable place in competitive Karate, being the first non-Japanese man and the first Shotokan karateka to become WKF World champion in 1992. On …

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This week in history (30 March – 5 April)

31 March On 31 March 1921, Tetsuji Murakami was born in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Described as a Karate missionary, Murakami began teaching Karate across Europe and North Africa during the infancy of the art outside of Japan. He was one of the first Japanese instructors to settle in Europe. Growing up Murakami was not interested …

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This week in history (16 March – 22 March)

17 March On 17 March 1990, the 7th World Championships (3rd Shoto Cup) took place at the Crowtree Leisure Centre, Sunderland, England. The two-day saw competitors from thirty countries taking part in seven events, i.e. four individual events and three team events. 18 March On 18 March 1964 Shotokan legend Keinosuke Enoeda was promoted to …

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This week in history (9 March – 15 March)

10 March On 10 March 1945, the Shotokan dojo was destroyed during the bombing raid of Tokyo by American B29 bombers, during World War II. The bombing raid had started the previous evening. An estimated 1665 tons of bombs were dropped on Tokyo. Much of Tokyo was destroyed, with an estimate 100000 people losing their …

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This week in history (2 March – 8 March)

2 March On 2 March 1955, Henri Plee was a founding member of the Federation Francais de Karate et Boxe Libre. He became the Federation’s first General Secretary. On 2 March 1960, Gichin Funakoshi’s eldest son, Yoshihide, died aged 71. Yoshihide Funakoshi is not as well known as his more talented younger brother Yoshitaka (Gigo). …

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Family Tree: Shotokan Karate – Pre 1945

Gichin Funakoshi, a school teacher from the island of Okinawa, arrived in Japan in 1922. He had come to Tokyo to take part in the 1st Annual Athletic Exhibition, hosted by the Ministry of Education. Following his display at the exhibition, there was plenty of interest in what Funakoshi was showing. He stayed on in …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/family-tree-shotokan-karate-pre-1945/

This week in history (27 January – 2 February)

27 January On 27 January 1934, Raymond Fuller, one of the students present at the founding of the Karate Union of Great Britain (KUGB), was born. Fuller started his Karate training in January of 1964 at Vernon Bell‘s Horseshoe pub dojo, located in London. At the time the British Karate Federation (BKF) were affiliated with …

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