Tag: Keinosuke Enoeda

This week in history (30 July – 5 August)

30 July On 30 July 1949 KUGB stalwart, Robert Poynton, was born.  A member of the famed Liverpool Red Triangle Karate Club, he started training in 1965 aged 15. He was awarded his 1st Dan by Keinosuke Enoeda in 1968. A top competitor in the 1970s, he successfully transitioned into an administrative role in the KUGB …

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This week in history (9 July – 15 July)

9 July On 9 July 1943 Chief Instructor of the KUGB, Andy Sherry, was born.  Sherry is one of the highest ranked Shotokan practitioners in the United Kingdom, having been one of the first people awarded a JKA 1st Dan in Britain in 1966 by Keinosuke Enoeda. Now a 9th Dan and one of the most senior Shotokan Karate-ka in …

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This week in history (2 July – 8 July)

2 July On 2 July 2013 Shoei Miyazato, a Kobayashi Shorin-ryu master and early student of Katsuya Miyahira (the successor to Chosin Chibana), died aged 85 years.  Although born in Okinawa, Miyazato attended elementary and high school in Osaka, Japan. As it was during the 2nd World War he had to undergo mandatory training in Kendo, Judo and military affairs.  At the age of …

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This week in history (11 June – 17 June)

On 12 June 1965 Hirokazu Kanazawa took his first teaching trip outside of London to the British Karate Federation’s (BKF) Liverpool dojo. The trip lasted from the 12th to 19th of June.  Kanazawa’s teaching schedule included teaching on the Sunday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. On the weekdays he taught from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.  During his visit Kanazawa …

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This week in history (4 June – 10 June)

On 3 June 1922 the earliest known Japanese newspaper article on Karate was published in the Tokyo  Nichinichi  Shinbun. The title of the article was “The Mystical Martial Art – Karate: (Chinese Fist) from Ryukyu (Okinawa Prefecture). Wonderful Technique to Defend from an Opponent with Bare Hands. Kodokan to Study“.   ******************************************** On 3 June 1959 the final known letter between …

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This week in history (28 May – 3 June)

On 28 May 1952 Clive Layton, a prolific author on Karate, was born. Layton began training in Shotokan Karate under Michael Randall ,Chris Adamou, and Nick Adamou. In 1977 he received his 1st Dan from Hirokazu Kanazawa. His books [amazon text=Shotokan Dawn: Vol 1 %26 2&asin=0955512204] detail the beginnings of Karate in Britain under Vernon Bell. On …

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This week in history (14 May – 20 May)

On 15 May 1947 Steve Cattle was born. Until his untimely death, aged only forty-seven, he was one of the longest practicing Shotokan practitioners in Britain. He was also a keen historian of Karate. Nicknamed ‘Stumpy’ as he was only 5ft 6in, Cattle began training in Judo in 1961, eventually reaching the rank of 2nd Dan. He …

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This week in history (23 April – 29 April)

On 24 April 1965 the second authorized demonstration given by the JKA in Britain took place at the Hornsey Town Hall, London. The event was organised by Vernon Bell. The JKA party were led by Taiji Kase, who had trained at the original  Shotokan dojo; and also contained Hirokazu Kanazawa, Keinosuke Enoeda and Hiroshi Shirai, who were …

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This week in history (16 April – 22 April)

On 20 April 1966 Edward Whitcher becomes the first British student to be graded to black belt by Hirokazu Kanazawa under the JKA. He has been described as the finest Shotokan karate-ka produced by Britain. He started his Karate training with the British Karate Federation in 1963. Whitcher was a founding member of the Karate Union of …

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This week in history (9 April – 15 April)

On April 11, 1907, Minoru Mochizuki, the founder of the Yoseikan dojo, was born in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Mochizuki was one of the few men to have been a direct student of the three great Budo masters, Jigoro Kano, Morihei Uesiba and Gichin Funakoshi. An accomplished martial artist, Mochizuki held a 10th Dan in Aikido; a …

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