Tag: Mas Oyama
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Aug 28 2018
This week in history (27 August – 02 September)
29 August On 29 August 1934 Steve Arneil, a pioneer of British Kyokushin Karate, was born in the mining city of Krugersdorp, South Africa. Arneil began training with the founder of Kyokushin Karate, Mas Oyama, around 1961. In 1965 Oyama asked Arneil to attempt the One Hundred Man Kumite Challenge. The challenge devised by Oyama, was designed to test if a karate-ka had the necessary endurance and character to fight one …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/this-week-in-history-27-august-02-september/
Aug 13 2018
This week in history (13 August – 19 August)
14 August On 14 August 1934 the founder of American Goju-ryu Karate, Peter George Urban, was born in Jersey City, USA. Serving in the US Navy he was stationed in Yokohama, Japan. In 1953 he began studying Karate as a student of Richard Kim. In 1954 he was transferred to Tokyo. There he was introduced by Kim to Masutatsu Oyama and Gogen Yamaguchi …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/this-week-in-history-13-august-19-august/
Apr 23 2018
This week in history (23 April – 29 April)
On 24 April 1965 the second authorized demonstration given by the JKA in Britain took place at the Hornsey Town Hall, London. The event was organised by Vernon Bell. The JKA party were led by Taiji Kase, who had trained at the original Shotokan dojo; and also contained Hirokazu Kanazawa, Keinosuke Enoeda and Hiroshi Shirai, who were …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/this-week-in-history-23-april-29-april/
Apr 02 2018
This week in history (2 April – 8 April)
On April 4, 1947 Mikio Yahara, one of the most dynamic fighters to come out of the JKA, was born in Ehime Prefecture. Yahara is a firm believer in a budo approach to Karate. In 2000 he broke away from the JKA to form his own organisation, Karatenomichi World Federation (KWF). The organisation is built on the …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/this-week-in-history-2-april-8-april/
Feb 07 2018
Cover Star: Steve Arneil
The true essence of Karate is the forging of one’s character/spirit through hard training. No man typifies this principle more than Steve Arneil. He was the second man to complete the grueling One Hundred Man Kumite Challenge, after the great Masutatsu (Mas) Oyama. January 1968 October 1976 April 1982 February 1986 March 1992 June 2000 …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/cover-star-steve-arneil/
Dec 04 2017
This Week in history (4 December – 10 December)
4 December On 4 December 1965, The Japan Karate Association (JKA) moved their headquarters from Yotsuya, to Koraku, in the Bunkyo-ku district of Tokyo. Yotsuya, located in the Shinjuku district of Tokyo, had been the JKA’s headquarters since 1955. The author C. W. Nicol described what it was like training at the Yotsuya hombu in his book, Moving …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/this-week-in-history-4-december-10-december/
Aug 14 2017
This week in history (14 August – 20 August)
August 14 On 14 August 1934 the founder of American Goju-ryu Karate, Peter George Urban, was born in Jersey City, USA. Serving in the US Navy, he was stationed in Yokohama, Japan and in 1953 began studying Karate as a student of Richard Kim. In 1954 he was transferred to Tokyo. There he was introduced …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/this-week-in-history-14-august-20-august/
Sep 01 2016
Steve Arneil
I look back to the way I trained. Many of the things we did were plain stupid. We didn’t know any better, you know if you could stretch your legs a certain way they were forced by someone helping you – there would be tear marks from stretching. Nowadays there are proper ways of training …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/spotlight-steve-arneil-the-spirit-of-bushido/
Mar 05 2016
Martial Arts News & Articles n.27
Welcome to another selection of posts and articles that have caught my eye. Please sit back and enjoy the current selection. The 20 Greatest Kyokushin Karate Fighters Of All Time #12-09 A post profiling some of the greatest Kyokushin fighters. Read more Sanchin Kata: Does it lead to premature death? In this post the author examines …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/martial-arts-news-articles-n-27/
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