Tag: Shukokai

Cover Star: Shigeru Kimura

Shigeru Kimura was a senior student of Shukokai Karate founder, Chojiro Tani. Kimura was responsible for the spread of Shukokai, first traveling to South Africa in 1965. His training and investigation eventually led to the development of Kimura Shukokai, his own version of Shukokai. Below are some of the magazine covers featuring this great innovator. …

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Cover Star: Eddie Daniels

Eddie Daniels has been involved in Karate for over fifty years. Starting in Shotokan he eventually became a student of Shigeru Kimura in 1968. He was a member of the All Styles British squad from 1970 to 1975. Below are some the magazine covers featuring this senior Shukokai instructor. March 1977   March 1989   September 1995 …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/cover-star-eddie-daniels/