Hideo Ochi

Kime means that the technique is performed at maximum speed and that the entire musculature in the final moment is contracted. If the technique is performed quickly but without kime in the final phase, it can lead to damage to the joint and, for lack of control, to injury to the opponent. This means: without kime, i.e. …

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Satoshi Miyazaki

An enormous discipline was required and our exercises were always based on the kihon. Satoshi Miyazaki Many people outside of the JKA may not have heard of Satoshi Miyazaki. A contemporary of JKA legends such as Keinosuke Enoeda, Hideo Ochi and Maasaki Ueki, he was known for his strong Karate, especially for his murderous kicks. As head of …

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Pat McKay

If you want to compete at the top in this sport then training has to become full-time. Pat McKay When one talks about the great fighters that have represented Britain, the name Pat McKay has to be in the mix. Fighting at light heavyweight (- 80 KG) his record is second to none. He is …

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Mervyn Etienne

….. the relentless desire to be better than you were is a key trait in the highest performers – they appear not to be happy with the status quo and are always looking for ways of improving and finding the marginal gains that will give them the milliseconds in reaction time and information processing speed that …

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Hideki Okamoto

Today sports Karate has developed, it is a mistake! Sport kills the spirit and the technique of Karate; we must return to the practice of Traditional Karate. Hideki Okamoto There are many unsung Karate instructors who have been responsible for the growth and spread of Karate around the world. Hideki Okamoto was one such instructor. …

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Ray Dalke

If you want to win in both Karate and life you must be very determined and very deliberate. Ray Dalke Ray Dalke is a true pioneer of American Shotokan Karate. He began training in the 1960s and has trained with a who’s who of American and Japanese Shotokan Karate. A noted competitor, at one time …

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Shokei Matsui

First, get strong. Then trust yourself and train hard. Do not forget the value of the kihon. Always be willing and willing to move forward. And to make Karate a part of one’s life, whether in joyful or sad times. Shokei Matsui Considered by some to be a “Kyokushin Karate genius“, Shokei Matsui was the …

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This week in history (10 Aug – 16 Aug)

14 August On 14 August 1934 the founder of American Goju-ryu Karate, Peter George Urban, was born in Jersey City, USA. Serving in the US Navy he was stationed in Yokohama, Japan. In 1953 he began studying Karate as a student of Richard Kim. In 1954 he was transferred to Tokyo. There he was introduced …

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Malcolm Dorfman

One’s formative years, one’s experiences throughout the years, both good and bad, influence one’s approach to life as the years go by. My life has been such that I believe that karate enhances one’s spirituality and while not detracting from the physical side, improves me as a person, facilitates the ease in the way I …

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Tetsuji Murakami

My aim, and everybody’s aim in Karate, must be the same, perfection. But it cannot be reached. I will be an old man, and I will still want to learn some more about Karate. I will still want to make some movement better. Karate never ends if a man takes it seriously. Tetsuji Murakami Tetsuji …

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