Tag: Takushoku University

Craig Raye

In Karate, you start with nothing, you’re not given anything. It’s just you alone and what you get out of it is personal, the training is hard but what you achieve is done by you alone. Craig Raye A highly-respected practitioner, Craig Raye has been involved in Shotokan Karate for over 45 years. A big …

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Norio Kawasoe

Known for his crisp and precise techniques, Norio Kawasoe was a much-respected instructor who was frequently invited to teach courses worldwide. Norio Kawasoe was born on 11 April 1951, in Saga, Japan. He began practising Shotokan Karate at Saga High School. In 1970 Kawasoe enrolled at Takushoku University. He joined the university’s Karate club, training …

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Katsuya Kisaka

Known for his aggressive fighting style, and exceptional kicking ability, Katsuya Kisaka was the Chief Instructor of the JKA New Jersey dojo for over 40 years. Katsuya Kisaka was born in Hiroshima, Japan, on 21 July 1937 On 6 August 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Kisaka’s home city of Hiroshima, during …

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Toshio Yamada

Considered one of the best Shotokan practitioners of his generation, Toshio Yamada was largely influenced by Taiji Kase and Hirokazu Kanazawa. A quiet man, he was not one to give interviews. He let his teaching and Karate, do his talking. Toshio Yamada was born on 18 April 1950, in Osaka, Japan. Yamada enrolled at Takushoku …

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Shiro Asano

Technique comes to some students quickly and to others slowly. But, with more training, everything grows. Students must ‘nichi nichi no keko’ – train harder, over and over again. Shiro Asano A no-nonsense karateka and a man of few words, hard training has been a way of life for Shiro Asano. He has always been …

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Hitoshi Kasuya

It is important to practice kata in the correct way. First, learn the correct steps and movements. Second, learn to apply the correct rhythm to the kata. Third, and most important, is one’s mental control and concentration. Kata is a kind of meditation, to teach oneself to develop absolute self-control. The combination of timing, distance, …

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This week in history…(30 October – 5 November)

31 October On 31 October 1993, Ray Dalke took early retirement from the University of California, Riverside, where he was a member of the Physical Education department. He did continue to help out, long after his leave date. As a coach, Dalke oversaw one of the most successful collegiate Karate programs in the United States. …

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Manabu Murakami

Technically, maybe ten repetitions of a technique is enough. But Karate training is not just physical. We have spirit as well, and this must be trained too. Repetition training will make you strong physically, but will also make a strong spirit. Therefore, it is important. Manabu Murakami Alongside Tatsuya Naka, Nobuaki Kanazawa, and Tetsuji Nakamura, …

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This week in history…(23 October – 29 October)

24 October On 24 October 1996, the High Court of Tokyo upheld an earlier decision regarding Mas Oyama’s last will. On 31 March 1995, Judge Atsushi Watanabe of the Tokyo Court of Family Affairs had previously ruled that Oyama’s verbal will was invalid as it had not been signed by him, only by the witnesses. …

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Morio Higaonna

I think that people start learning Karate with different goals in their minds. However, whatever style they choose, I believe the most important factor is a good instructor… also one must never forget that Karate is not only about fighting. Morio Higaonna It could be argued that no one has done more to popularise Okinawan …

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