Tag: Bobby Lowe

Yasuhiko Oyama

When a person walks into a dojo, he should sense that there is a serious attitude about the place. The people should be sweaty from a lot of hard work. Yasuhiko Oyama One of the early pioneers of Kyokushin Karate, Yasuhiko Oyama was known as a phenomenal fighter. Alongside his brother Shigeru Oyama, Tadashi Nakamura, …

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This week in history…(25 December – 31 December)

25 December On 25 December 1938, Goju-ryu Karate master, Morio Higaonna was born in Naha, Okinawa. Higaonna began his Karate journey by first studying Shorin-Ryu Karate. He later changed to Goju-Ryu Karate, studying under Eiichi Miyazato, a senior student of Goju-Ryu founder Chojun Miyagi. His main instructor was Anichi Miyagi, another direct student of Chojun Miyagi. …

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This week in history…(11 September – 17 September)

11 September On 11 September 1934 Colin Williams, the founder of the Bukonkai Karate International (BKI) association, was born. He started training in the early days of Karate in the United Kingdom. On 11 September 1970 Michael Randall, Christopher Adamou and Nicholas Adamou graded were to 2nd Dan under Hirokazu Kanazawa. All three men had …

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William Oliver

I love teaching because I love to help people and watch them develop and change as the months and years go by. William Oliver One of the most dynamic Kyokushin Karate practitioners of his generation, William Oliver was known for his lightning-fast Kicks. At 5ft 4in, he always had to fight much larger opponents, but …

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This week in history…(19 December – 25 December)

19 December On 19 December 1963 Vernon Bell received a letter from Masatomo Takagi, the General Manager of the JKA (Japan Karate Association), requesting that the BKF (British Karate Federation) officially act as the authorized representative of the JKA in Britain. Earlier that year Bell had received a letter from Takagi indicating that Tetsuji Murakami …

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Don Buck

People who learn Karate today should learn the basics better. Don Buck Probably not as well known as he should be, Don Buck was a pioneer of Kyokushin Karate in the United States. Described as a physically strong man, he was one of the first non-Japanese Kyokushin instructors in the world. Donald Buck was born …

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Daigo Oishi

A lifelong karateka, Daigo Oishi was known for his footwork and his powerfully destructive kicks. Mas Oyama called his kick “Muramasa” after a famous Japanese blade. Daigo Oishi was born on 15 July 1950 in Shizuoka, Japan. While at school Oishi read Oyama’s book “World, Combat Journey“. The book had a profound effect on him. …

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Cameron Quinn

Kyokushin is a vehicle that opens doors to perhaps previously unconsidered possibilities. It transforms anyone who makes it their own through hard training and focused attention. Cameron Quinn A lifelong student of Kyokushin Karate, Cameron Quinn served as his teacher’s, Mas Oyama’s interpreter for many years. As a martial artist, he has cross-trained in various …

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This week in history…(12 September – 18 September)

12 September On 12 September 1961, Molly Samuel, a multiple European and World Champion, was born in Paddington, West London. Samuel was Britain’s first individual female World Karate Federation (WKF) World Champion. She was a pioneer of women’s competitive Karate, paving the way for many of Britain’s future world champions. Her major honours include: World …

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This week in history (20 December – 26 December)

21 December On 21 December 1957 Trevor Guilfoyle and Gerald Tucker become the first karateka in  Britain to be graded to 3rd kyu, under the British Karate Federation (BKF). The grading was conducted by Vernon Bell at 12 Maybush Road, Hornchurch, London. Guilfoyle and Tucker were two of Bell’s earliest students, taking part in the …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/this-week-in-history-20-december-26-december/