Tag: Kenshiro Abbe

This week in history…(14 November – 20 November)

14 November On 14 November 1889  Shito-Ryu Karate founder, Kenwa Mabuni, was born in Okinawa. Mabuni was one of the first Okinawan masters to teach his style of Karate on the Japanese mainland, eventually settling in Osaka in 1929. He initially trained under Yasutsune Itosu learning Shuri te, He later trained under Kanryo Higaonna learning …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/this-week-in-history-14-november-20-november/

Frank Cope

The way I judge people’s Karate and standard; the first thing I would look for is their ‘footwork‘, which obviously ties in with their ‘stances’. If their footwork and their stances are good, then I feel that they have been well taught and trained. Good stances and footwork produce good Karate, in my opinion. Frank Cope …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/spotlight-frank-cope-a-pioneer-of-british-shotokan/