Category: KUGB

Craig Raye

In Karate, you start with nothing, you’re not given anything. It’s just you alone and what you get out of it is personal, the training is hard but what you achieve is done by you alone. Craig Raye A highly-respected practitioner, Craig Raye has been involved in Shotokan Karate for over 45 years. A big …

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Nick Adamou

Karate is all those things that it has been reported to be by the many great Japanese senseis. i.e. self-defence, art, way of life, and so on and so forth. Personally I see Karate as a fantastic art-form, that’s also a perfect sport and form of yoga. Nick Adamou One of the highest-ranked Shotokan instructors …

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Charles Gidley

One should be graded on merit, knowledge, and attitude to the art, as well as one’s capability to pass on the information and therefore maintain a high standard. Charles Gidley Described as an instructor’s instructor, Charles Gidley has developed an extensive knowledge of Shotokan Karate. He has the ability to transmit this knowledge to others. …

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Michael Nursey

I get enormous satisfaction from teaching all types of students, helping them through all the ups and downs of their training and get a real buzz when they finally achieve their black belt. Michael Nursey Practising Karate in England for over 55 years, Michael Nursey was one of the founders of one of the largest …

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Ged Moran

I believe that if the WKF type of Karate gains more popularity, it will be at the expense of Traditional Karate standards. It won’t be the death of good Shotokan; There are still a lot of top-class associations out there, but they will sadly become the minority. Ged Moran An experienced karateka, Ged Moran has …

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Michael Randall

You will only get out of Karate what you put into it and that is the most important lesson. There are no secrets in Karate, you have to live it and experience it to discover all it has to offer. Michael Randall Known for his technical ability and his attention to detail, Michael Randall was …

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Cyril Cummins

Karate can never be only a sport because it is first and foremost a martial art. Competition is only a part of the martial arts scene. Whilst I admire the top competitors, it is not the be all and end all of Karate. Cyril Cummins A pioneer of Shotokan Karate in the West Midlands of …

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Ronnie Christopher

I feel that without developing mental and physical discipline you can never hope to achieve your full potential whether your bias is kumite or kata. Ronnie Christopher Alongside the likes of Frank Brennan, Elwyn Hall, and George Best, Ronnie Christopher is considered one of the best Shotokan fighters of his era. Blessed with speed, technique, …

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Matt Price

I see Karate not as a sport but as an art. Therefore kata and kumite are both needed to become an all-round practitioner of the art. That isn’t to say I have anything against people who view karate as a sport. Matt Price As a competitor, Matt Price was known for his very strong kumite. …

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Richard Amos

I feel that competition is very healthy and in line with human nature, and as Karate is for one’s entire life, there is time during that life when you should compete. Richard Amos One of only a few foreigners who have passed the JKA Instructors Course, Richard Amos is also one of the few non-Japanese …

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