Tag: Masaaki Ueki

Sergio Gneo

I find it fascinating to get things out of people that they didn’t suspect they had in them. With Karate you put the whole body in position, you have to use every muscle. Some people discover their body for the first time here in the dojo, and what it can do. I no longer hammer …

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On this day….(January 31)

On 31 January 1999 Keigo Abe resigned from the Matsuno faction of the JKA. Masatoshi Nakayama, the Chief Instructor of the JKA, died in 1987. Tokyo businessman, Nobuyuki Nakahara became the Chairman of the JKA. A number of instructors, led by Tetsuhiko Asai, disagreed with the decision. This led to a split in the JKA. …

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Akihito Isaka

You must always think about how you build up the level of your kihon and how to achieve a higher level of kihon. Akihito Isaka Like many graduates of the JKA Instructors Course, Akihito Isaka is known for his exceptional technique. He is also known for stressing the importance of slow-motion training as a way …

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Cathy Cline

There may be some missing pieces of the puzzle, but those ‘missing pieces‘ are what makes Karate eternally interesting. Even after training for decades, a true martial artist continues to learn, continues to experience epiphanies that make training more meaningful. Cathy Cline The highest-ranked woman in the International Shotokan Karate Federation (ISKF), Cathy Cline was …

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This week in history (31 May – 6 Jun)

31 May On 31 May 1993, the former Chief Instructor for the JKA in Belgium, Satoshi Miyazaki died. Miyazaki eventually became a member of the Takushoku Karate team that included Shiro Asano, Hideo Ochi, Kazumi Tabata, and Katsuya Kisaka. The team was very successful, winning the All-Japan University Championships. On completing his degree, Miyazaki was …

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This week in history (24 May – 30 May)

24 May On 24 May 1923, Henri Plee was born in the French city of Arras. Considered the “Father of European Karate”, Plee is a true pioneer. He studied many martial arts with some of the world’s top masters. He held a 10th Dan in Karate, a 5th Dan in Judo, a 3rd Dan in …

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Yasunori Ogura

Seek perfection of character. Everything else follows on from that. Yasunori Ogura A stalwart of the JKA, Yasunori Ogura is known for his attention to detail. He is a former kumite and kata champion, who is a senior instructor at the JKA Hombu. Yasunori Ogura was born on 21 January 1958, in Hokkaido, Japan. Growing …

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Yoshinobu Ohta

Once you start using age as an excuse then you never stop using this excuse. There is no excuse, you should just keep going. Of course, as we get older our body strength becomes weaker and so we automatically become slower with less power but most important is don’t make this an excuse, try to …

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This week in history (5 April – 11 April)

5 April On April 5, 1870 founder of Motobu Ryu, Chōki Motobu, was born in Okinawa. Motobu was the third son of a noble family. As the third son, he was not allowed to learn the family martial art of Motobu Udundi. This meant he trained under various Okinawan masters such as Anko Itosu, and Sokon Matsumura. A …

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Takeshi Naito

Each era must accept tradition to grow, but not remain as it was 30 or 40 years ago. As I said “traditional” means “to continue” but accepting changes and improvements. Over time, everything undergoes an evolution, we always try to improve, to keep the positive and remove the negative: then it is a question of …

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