Tag: Masatoshi Nakayama

This week in history (1 July – 7 July)

2 July On 2 July 2013 Shoei Miyazato, a Kobayashi Shorin-ryu master and early student of Katsuya Miyahira (the successor to Chosin Chibana), died aged 85 years. Although born in Okinawa, Miyazato attended elementary and high school in Osaka, Japan. As it was during the 2nd World War he had to undergo mandatory training in …

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This week in history (17 June – 23 June)

17 June On 17 June 1938 the former Chief Instructor of the JKA in Belgium, Satoshi Miyazaki, was born in Sagai, Japan. In 1956 Miyazaki enrolled at Takushoku University to study economics, having been persuaded by Masatoshi Nakayama to do so. He joined the university’s famed Shotokan Karate school as a white belt, studying under …

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This week in history (3 June – 9 June)

3 June On 3 June 1922 the earliest known Japanese newspaper article on Karate was published in the Tokyo  Nichinichi  Shinbun. The title of the article was “The Mystical Martial Art – Karate: (Chinese Fist) from Ryukyu (Okinawa Prefecture). Wonderful Technique to Defend from an Opponent with Bare Hands. Kodokan to Study“.  ******************************************** On 3 …

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This week in history (27 May – 2 June)

27 May On 27 May 1949 Isao Obata, Masatoshi Nakayama, Shigeru Egami and other senior students helped establish the Japan Karate Association (JKA) under Gichin Funakoshi. A major meeting had taken place to discuss and plan for the future of Shotokan Karate. Almost every ranking Shotokan practitioner, from the oldest to the youngest was present. …

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This week in history (20 May – 26 May)

20 May On 20 May 1964 the Foreign Affairs Officer for the JKA, Kazuo Nagai, arrived in London as part of a feasibility tour of Europe. The purpose for the visit was to check the feasibility for sending JKA instructors to teach in Europe. 23 May On 23 May 1952 Shito-ryu founder, Kenwa Mabuni died …

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This week in history (15 April – 21 April)

15 April On 15 April 1987 Shotokan Karate legend, Masatoshi Nakayama, died in Tokyo, Japan aged 74 years. Nakayama guided the JKA through its difficult early days and through his hard work made it into one of the biggest and most respected Shotokan associations in the world. Many of the students trained by Nakayama describe …

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Hidetaka Nishiyama

Martial arts philosophy is not based on victory or fighting, but rather on finding a way to avoid violence through having the ability to defend yourself if needed. In Karate, through self-defence techniques we develop the awareness and sensitivity to the person facing us, we learn to feel the danger and go around it. Hidetaka …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/spotlight-hidetaka-nishiyama-the-traditionalist/

This week in history (8 April – 14 April)

8 April On 8 April 1944 Michael Randall, who was training in Karate prior to the arrival of the JKA in Britain, was born. Randall joined the British Karate Federation (BKF) in 1964. As a member of the BKF he had the opportunity to train under Tetsuji Murakami and Hiroo Mochizuki. After the arrival of the …

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This week in history (24 Mar – 31 Mar)

On 30 March, 2003 Shotokan Karate master, Keinosuke Enoeda, died from stomach cancer Born on 4th July 1935 in  Fukuoka, Japan, to a family descended from the samurai, Enoeda attended Takushoku University, where he trained under Masatoshi Nakayama. He was a graduate of the JKA’s Instructors Course and was also a former JKA All-Japan Champion …

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This week in history (18 Mar – 24 Mar)

20 March On 20 March 1928 Gichin Funakoshi gave a Karate display with fifteen of his students by Imperial invitation, at the grounds of the Sainei-kan of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo.  ******************************************** On 20 March 1955 the Japan Karate Association (JKA) was founded. Masatoshi Nakayama was appointed the Chief Instructor of the JKA, with …

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