Tag: SKI (GB)

Nick Adamou

Karate is all those things that it has been reported to be by the many great Japanese senseis. i.e. self-defence, art, way of life, and so on and so forth. Personally I see Karate as a fantastic art-form, that’s also a perfect sport and form of yoga. Nick Adamou One of the highest-ranked Shotokan instructors …

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Norio Kawasoe

Known for his crisp and precise techniques, Norio Kawasoe was a much-respected instructor who was frequently invited to teach courses worldwide. Norio Kawasoe was born on 11 April 1951, in Saga, Japan. He began practising Shotokan Karate at Saga High School. In 1970 Kawasoe enrolled at Takushoku University. He joined the university’s Karate club, training …

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Michael Nursey

I get enormous satisfaction from teaching all types of students, helping them through all the ups and downs of their training and get a real buzz when they finally achieve their black belt. Michael Nursey Practising Karate in England for over 55 years, Michael Nursey was one of the founders of one of the largest …

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Shiro Asano

Technique comes to some students quickly and to others slowly. But, with more training, everything grows. Students must ‘nichi nichi no keko’ – train harder, over and over again. Shiro Asano A no-nonsense karateka and a man of few words, hard training has been a way of life for Shiro Asano. He has always been …

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Dave Kershaw

There is no short cut to reaching a high-level in Kata, and the frustrating thing is that the higher you get, the more faults you find, but this is the whole essence of Karate, the striving for perfection. It is never reached, but you must keep on trying. Dave Kershaw A longtime student of Shotokan …

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This week in history…(26 December – 1 January)

27 December On 27 December 1975, the film, ‘Karate Bearfighter‘ was released in Japan, as part of a trilogy of films based on the life of Mas Oyama. Sonny Chiba played the role of his teacher, Mas Oyama. The first film in the trilogy, ‘Karate Bullfighter‘ was released on 9 August 1975 in Japan. The …

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This week in history…(24 October – 30 October)

24 October On 24 October 1996, the High Court of Tokyo upheld an earlier decision regarding Mas Oyama’s last will. On 31 March 1995 Judge Atsushi Watanabe of the Tokyo Court of Family Affairs ruled that Oyama’s verbal will was invalid as it had not been signed by him, only by the witnesses. His family …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/this-week-in-history-24-october-30-october/

This week in history (28 December – 3 January)

29 December On 29th December 2016 Frank Cope died aged 82 following a bout of illness. In many ways, Cope was ahead of his time practising things that would not gain major popularity for many years. He was also considered a great teacher, being able to identify a student’s weakness and provide a way for …

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This week in history (30 December – 5 January)

30 December On 30 December 1960, former SKIF European and World Champion, Aidan Trimble was born in Nottingham, England. He was a long-time member of Hirokazu Kanazawa’s Shotokan Karate International Federation (SKIF), eventually leaving to form is own association, The Federation of Shotokan Karate. Until injury curtailed his competitive career in 1983, Trimble was a top …

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This week in history (28 October – 3 November)

28 October On 28 October 1939 Keigo Abe was born in Iyoshi, Ehime Prefecture, Japan. A direct student of Masatoshi Nakayama, Abe graduated from the JKA Instructors Program in 1965. He was a long-serving instructor at the Japan Karate Association’s Hombu. After the JKA split in 1990 he became Technical Director of the JKA (Matsuno …

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