Jiro Ohtsuka (Hironori Ohtsuka II)

In learning Karate simply as a sport, one will surely quit or retire from it as physical strength declines. Jiro Ohtsuka The son of one of Karate’s true legends, Jiro Ohtsuka had one of the best Karate teachers in his father. He developed into a phenomenal martial artist. He was described as a protector of …

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Barry Wilkinson

Starting Karate is like embarking on a journey with no destination, only port of call along the way. Barry Wilkinson Training for over 50 years, Barry Wilkinson has been both a competitor and instructor. He has trained with many of Wado-Ryu’s top instructors, including Toru Arakawa, Tatsuo Suzuki, Katsumi Kobayashi, and Tadayuki Maeda. Barry Robert …

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This week in history…(1 January – 7 January)

1 January On 1 January 1913, Genshin Hironishi was born in Kyoto, Japan. Also known as Motonobu Hironishi, he was considered one of Gichin Funakoshi’s favourite students. Together with Shigeru Egami, he was an assistant to Yoshitaka Funakoshi. He was one of the main instructors at the Shoto Kan, Gichin Funakoshi‘a purpose-built dojo. On 1 …

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Tatsuo Suzuki

These days, too many people stop training once they pass 2nd or 3rd Dan, they don’t realise belts are not important. Grades mean nothing, all that matters is to train hard. Many people call themselves 10th or even 12th Dan, but most of them are rubbish. Tatsuo Suzuki A direct student of Wado-Ryu Karate founder, …

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Vic Charles

Vic Charles has been described as “the epitome of what a Karate competitor should be”. As a competitor, he was tough, resilient and technically proficient, in equal measures. Jerome Atkinson, a former world champion, described him as “the greatest competitor he had ever seen“. A winner of multiple World Championships, he was part of a …

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Geoff Thompson

No true champion likes losing. We’re in the job of winning. Geoff Thompson Standing at an imposing 6ft 6in, Geoff Thompson is a multiple heavyweight kumite World Champion. Alongside Vic Charles and Jerome Atkinson, he took competitive Karate to the next level with his power and athletic ability. During the 1980s he was the face of Sport …

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Masafumi Shiomitsu

The principles of Wado-Ryu are the principles of Budo: “Work hard and do not waste one’s time” in order to reinforce one’s Karate and one’s mind. Mind is more important than technique. It is important tobuild up a strong and healthy mind in order to have the right attitude in life, that is not to …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/spotlight-masafumi-shiomitsu-the-hard-man-of-wado-ryu/

Walter Seaton

Remember: it’s through basic techniques that we learn how best to use our weight and speed, that’s why basics are the most fundamental part of Karate practice. Walter Seaton A true pioneer of Karate in the United Kingdom, Walter Seaton was one of the first instructors to teach Karate to women at his Middlesbrough dojo. …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/spotlight-walter-seaton-hard-as-nails/