Never stay at the same level of training. Always push yourself to do a little more. Joko Ninomiya Widely regarded as a phenomenal fighter, Joko Ninomiya is also known for his strong fighting spirit. He …
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Personally I would define Karate-do as the way of the free hand rather than that of the empty hand. Because the goal is to make what you have learned bare fruit. Nothing is fixed in …
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One of Mas Oyama’s top students, Seiji Kanamura has been involved in Karate since its early days. He has done much to establish Kyokushin Karate in the United States and the wider world. Seiji Kanamura …
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What makes a martial artist’s heartbeat? For me, it’s the quest for perfection, not just in technique, but in life itself. Bernard Bilicki With the likes of Dominique Valera, Jean-Pierre Lavorato, and Patrice Belrhiti, Bernard …
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In learning Karate simply as a sport, one will surely quit or retire from it as physical strength declines. Jiro Ohtsuka The son of one of Karate’s true legends, Jiro Ohtsuka had one of the …
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Today’s post is all about tips that may help you when competing in a tournament. The tips are from Scott Boyd’s podcast Karate Tournaments Tips and Tricks. Be match fit You need to be fit, so that you do not run out of energy during a competition. Adrenalin can only get you so far. Practice …
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Welcome to This a blog that is dedicated to helping karateka explore the different facets of the art of Karate. Typically, learning Karate can be a life-long journey with many interesting stops along the way. The aim of this site is to highlight some of these stops, and to get the reader to …
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