Ray Fuller

… I had to learn Karate, I had to look after myself…

Ray Fuller

A pioneer of Shotokan Karate, Ray Fuller was one of Vernon Bell’s first Karate students. His association was a founding member of the EKGB (English Karate Governing Body).

Raymond Edward Fuller was born on 27 January 1934. After leaving school he joined the British Army, serving as a paratrooper.

Towards the end of October 1956, the Israeli Armed Forces moved into Egypt, following the nationalization of the Suez Canal by the Egyptian President, Gamal Abdel Nasser. The Suez Canal is an important waterway that connects Europe to Asia. Israel’s move into Egypt lead to the Suez Crisis, also known as the Second-Israeli War. Fuller’s unit was sent to the area to monitor events.

After leaving the army, Fuller got a job working as a painter at Union Cold Storage, based in Blackfriars, London, opposite the renowned Guys Hospital.

Fuller had first heard about Karate while serving in the army. During the 1960s Alan Whicker’s television program, Whicker’s World, was a popular show. During one episode there was a feature on Karate. Fuller had seen the episode and was interested in trying the esoteric martial art.

In 1964 Vernon Bell was the only man teaching Karate in the United Kingdom. His dojo was located on the top floor of the Horseshoe Pub, in Clerkenwell. Before being allowed to join the club, Fuller had to watch a few training sessions. He also had to provide references to verify who he was and the quality of his character.

On 20 January 1964 Fuller officially joined the British Karate Federation (BKF). He trained twice a week, with the likes of Terry Wingrove, Jimmy Neal, Eddie Whitcher, Mick Peachey, and Michael Randall, to name a few.

Fuller and his friend Michael Randall would sometimes visit Epping Forest to do some extra training. They both worked together at Union Cold Storage. They found an area in the basement of one of the company’s buildings where they could also train. Sometimes they would also train on the roof of one of the buildings owned by the company.

One day while training on the roof, Fuller was seen by a nurse in the opposite building. Not knowing what Karate was, she phoned the police. It came as a shock for Fuller when he was tapped on his shoulder by a policeman. His company did not see the funny side, and he was sacked. The incident was covered by the press, and had the title ‘Karateman Gets The Chop‘.

In April 1965, a touring party from the JKA arrived in the UK as part of a World Tour. The party consisted of Taiji Kase, Hirokazu Kanazawa, Keinosuke Enoeda, and Hiroshi Shirai.

By 1965 Vernon Bell had opened another dojo at the Lyndhurst Hall. He invited the Japanese party to visit a training session at the dojo. This was the first time Fuller and his fellow BKF students has seen Karate performed to such a high standard.

After the JKA World Tour had ended, Hirokazu Kanazawa became the resident instructor of the BKF. The BKF had left the Yoseikan group of Minoru Mochizuki and had become affiliated with the JKA. Kanazawa’s teaching style made him a very popular instructor.

Between 28-29 July 1965 Kanazawa held his first official grading on behalf of the JKA, in London. It took place at the Lyndhurst Hall dojo. Fuller had a successful grading and was promoted to 4th Kyu.

On 8 November 1965, Kanazawa held his second official grading at the Lyndhurst Hall dojo. Enoeda was also present at the grading. Fuller was successful, receiving the temporary grade of 3rd Kyu.

Kanazawa’s third grading at the Lyndhurst Hall dojo took place in February 1966. This time Fuller failed his grading for 2nd Kyu.

On 11 May 1966, Kanazawa left the UK for South Africa. His contract with a BKF had not been renewed. In part this was due to growing disagreements between him and Vernon Bell.

Kanazawa’s teaching had a massive influence, especially on his students in the London dojos. The students felt directionless and wanted to be taught by no one other than Kanazawa.

A meeting was organized by some of the senior members of the BKF, mainly from the Liverpool and London dojos. The likes of Eddie Whitcher, Fuller, Pauline Laville, and Andy Sherry were present at the meeting. In a lively meeting, many wanted to continue training with Kanazawa and the JKA. This led to a split in the BKA, With the Karate Union of Great Britain (KUGB) being formed. Around two-thirds of the BKF membership moved to the KUGB.

Kanazawa was named the Chief Instructor of the KUGB. As the Lyndhurst Hall dojo had been hired by Bell for the BKF, the KUGB had to find a new dojo in London. They started training at the John Marshall Hall, which came to be known as the Blackfriars dojo.

In 1966 Fuller was awarded his 1st Dan by Kanazawa. This made him one of the senior students at the Blackfriars dojo. When Kanazawa and the other Japanese instructors were unavailable, Fuller would teach the class.

On 22 July 1967, the 1st KUGB National Championships were held at Alexandria Palace. Kanazawa, Enoeda, and Shirai were in attendance. Fuller was a member of the London Kumite Team that consisted of Eddie Witcher, Rob Williams, Michael Randall, and Sam Firlej. They narrowly lost to a Liverpool Red Triangle Team, which included Andy Sherry and Bob Poynton.

The following year, the 2nd KUGB National Championships was again held at Alexandria Palace. The Chief Instructor of the JKA, Masatoshi Nakayama, alongside Satoshi Miyazaki, and Shiro Asano were also present. They performed a series of demonstrations. In the Individual Kumite event, Fuller finished in the top eight. Nakayama presented him with a special certificate and silver tie pin for his work in promoting Shotokan Karate. Fuller had the opportunity to have some private training sessions with Nakayama.

In 1969 Kanazawa left England to take over as a Chief Instructor in Germany. Enoeda became the Chief Instructor of the KUGB and moved from Liverpool to London. He set up a dojo at Marshall Street, Soho, which became a Shotokan Mecca in London. Fuller and Laville took over the running of the Blackfriars dojo.

1969 also saw Fuller marry Pauline Laville, in Camberwell, London. Laville had started Karate in 1962, under Fred Kidd and Walter Seaton of the BKF in Middlesbrough. She moved to London in 1964 where she started training at Vernon Bell’s Horseshoe Pub dojo. It was around this time she met Fuller.

In 1970, the Fullers started opening Karate clubs in South London and the Kent areas. They open their first club in Dartford, Kent.

The Fullers split from the KUGB in 1975. They founded the Thames Karate International that consisted of clubs in the Thames area. They worked in conjunction with Jimmy and Val Patterson. Both Ray and Pauline Fuller were 3rd Dans. Even though they had left the KUGB, they continued to train with Enoeda.

At the height of its success in 1977, Thames Karate International had grown to have sixty clubs with four thousand members. It had also been a founding member of the Federation of English Karate Organization (FEKO).

After almost 10 years of marriage, Ray Fuller and Pauline Laville separated. This led to a split in the Thames Karate International. Fuller remained the Chief Instructor of Thames Karate International. He continued teaching his students traditional Shotokan Karate.

At the time of his death in the 2000s, Ray Fuller was ranked as an 8th Dan, one of the highest-ranked Karate practitioners in the UK. He was one of the stalwarts of English Shotokan Karate. Around at the dawn of English Shotokan Karate, he has taught many of today’s top Shotokan instructors in the UK.

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    • grahammead@live .co.uk on June 8, 2021 at 7:27 am
    • Reply

    I trained and Graded with Ray and pauline they were both hard task masters . this was when they were with the Kugb but they set me on road that has lasted over 45yrs Oss

    • sam on September 1, 2021 at 11:37 pm
    • Reply

    I knew his son Dean fuller he died aged 39 he had serious PTSD from army life. dean wasn’t well at all always had troubles wasn’t well at all self harming and all the rest to go with it he could find a job he was such a hard worker as well found it hard at the end

    • Anonymous on January 10, 2022 at 10:54 pm
    • Reply

    I am surprised at how little there is about Ray on the Internet. I trained with him and Pauline in the 70s mainly at the TA centre in Bexleyheath.
    I remember as a teenager being captivated by the way he taught Shotokan karate.
    He moved like a cat great form. Smooth as silk when he moved
    Those were the days.

    • John on August 24, 2022 at 9:45 pm
    • Reply

    I trained from 72 to 80 at Dartford with them both .Was at his funeral.Still proud of what they both taught me.Hard to believe it was such a long timecago .

    • JIM on February 18, 2023 at 11:00 pm
    • Reply

    I trained with Ray and Pauline 1977 to 1984. Referred to as Jock I occasionally took a class when asked. Micky Grout and Graham Richardson introduced me to the Fullers. I liked the man. You never fully understand the true value of having met someone until later.
    Good memories.

    • Sam on May 20, 2023 at 3:22 pm
    • Reply

    Raymond Fuller was my grandad , to be honest me and my siblings only knew our grandad with lots of wonderful stories and heart of gold I could see a lot of my dad in him but with all he had going on in his life he always made time for his grandchildren. And great grandchildren
    Great man loves you pops always xx

      • Anonymous on November 12, 2023 at 12:11 pm
      • Reply

      Ray was my uncle such lovely memories as a young girl he used to take me and his son guy on his bike and side car . My mum idolised him he was also my dad’s best friend they grew up together in waters road catford and went in the army ❤️

    • Andrew on July 19, 2023 at 11:48 pm
    • Reply

    Thank you so much Ray, from your golden boy. Those happy days at the Walnuts with Graham Richardson teaching us, those competitions on Sundays. I first saw Ray was at a competition shouting at how useless our Brown belt was, I thought I’m going to tell the silly old man his rude lol I didn’t obviously, the funny thing was he turned up to do the grading with Graham at the Walnuts the following weekend. 1979. Towards the End of the grading Ray looked around and said where’s my Golden Boy I was looking to then he points at me, I think Graham accused him of drinking under his breath. He said I’ve seen you about made me do a kata then from white made me temp Green Belt proud day for me back then. They went to the bar upstairs always took me and brought me a coke when they went. I played firebird on the machine lol

    • Anonymous on October 9, 2023 at 11:31 am
    • Reply

    I heard horror stories about Ray I lived in Nethewode Court, Lower Park Road, Belvedere he lived in number 6 abuse, rape, kidnap, mixed drama of horrors and dangerous men

      • J fuller on February 15, 2025 at 1:08 pm
      • Reply

      None of it true, my grandad wasn’t perfect but he wasn’t this, people shouldn’t listen to rumours as they are quite often false.

    • Anonymous on November 11, 2023 at 6:52 pm
    • Reply

    Can I ask if this comment was left by J. if so I’m M I told you to leave?

    • Anonymous on February 23, 2025 at 9:03 pm
    • Reply

    I was a member of Thames and graded to 4 th Dan by sensei fuller I got to know him very well I also met his son dean on occasions His karate was incredible and so diffident from other sensei s I. Can remember the conversations we had taking him home after a grading I visited him in hospital when he had issues with his leg I have so much more to say about sensei respect

    • Anonymous on February 23, 2025 at 9:10 pm
    • Reply

    I was graded by Sensei to 4 th Dan I met dean on occasions and was close to sensei for many years so my stories and personal conversations always respect sensei

    • Glen Wright on February 23, 2025 at 9:17 pm
    • Reply

    I trained with sensei got to know him will and his son dean had lots of karate and personal conversations

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