Tag: Gichin Funakoshi

William Dometrich

A Karate instructor’s first and foremost obligation is to teach new students one or two strong techniques – techniques that could be used effectively if the student was attacked. William Dometrich A pioneer of Chito-Ryu Karate in the United States, William Dometrich trained with Chito-Ryu founder, Tsuyoshi Chitose, and was the first non-Japanese person to …

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Jiro Ohtsuka (Hironori Ohtsuka II)

In learning Karate simply as a sport, one will surely quit or retire from it as physical strength declines. Jiro Ohtsuka The son of one of Karate’s true legends, Jiro Ohtsuka had one of the best Karate teachers in his father. He developed into a phenomenal martial artist. He was described as a protector of …

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Atsuo Hiruma

When I started, it was quite hard, with rigid muscles. Now it has softened a lot, like Kung-Fu type, you have to achieve speed and power, but without going overboard in the latter. Atsuo Hiruma One of the few men to have trained with both Gichin Funakoshi and Shigeru Egami, Atsuo Hiruma was the first …

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This week in history…(15 January – 21 January)

15 January On 15 January 1963 Akiyoshi (Shokei) Matsui was born in Chiba, Japan. Of Korean heritage, he was named Moon Jang-gyu. Considered by some to be a “Kyokushin Karate genius“, Shokei Matsui was the youngest man to become Kyokushin World Champion. A tough competitor, he won 50 out of 56 fights. He is also …

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This week in history…(8 January – 14 January)

8 January On 8 January 1933, a pioneer of Goju-Ryu Karate in America, Chuck Merriman was born in Waterford, Connecticut. For many years Chuck Merriman has been one of the most recognisable faces in Karate. This American Karate pioneer has been featured on the cover of many martial arts publications. He has been instrumental in …

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Yoshikazu Sumi

Training with action and reaction, mostly good kihon too. Jiyu ippon kumite (semi freestyle) teaches good kumite. Also do not forget kata. We must practice everything equally, then kumite will improve for sure. Yoshikazu Sumi Known for his great spirit and sense of humour, Yoshikazu Sumi’s movement has been described as being strong and fluid. …

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This week in history…(1 January – 7 January)

1 January On 1 January 1913, Genshin Hironishi was born in Kyoto, Japan. Also known as Motonobu Hironishi, he was considered one of Gichin Funakoshi’s favourite students. Together with Shigeru Egami, he was an assistant to Yoshitaka Funakoshi. He was one of the main instructors at the Shoto Kan, Gichin Funakoshi‘a purpose-built dojo. On 1 …

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Tatsuhiko Hattori

Karate is for everyone, young, old, children, etc, it doesn’t matter whether you are male or female. The phase of sports Karate is too short; the most important thing is being constant. “DO” can and must be found by each one through practice. I think “DO” is not something that can be taught, but something …

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This week in history…(4 December – 10 December)

4 December On 4 December 1965, the Japan Karate Association (JKA) moved their headquarters from Yotsuya to Koraku, in the Bunkyo-ku district of Tokyo. Yotsuya, located in the Shinjuku district of Tokyo, had been the JKA’s headquarters since 1955. The author C. W. Nicol described what it was like training at the Yotsuya Hombu in his book, Moving Zen: Karate as …

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This week in history…(27 November – 3 December)

27 November On 27 November 1932, Toru Arakawa, a former Technical Director of the Japan Karate Federation, was born in Gifu Prefecture, Japan. Wado-Ryu founder, Hironori Ohtsuka sent Tatsuo Suzuki, together with Arakawa and Hajime Takashima, on a 2-month tour to Europe and the United States, to demonstrate Wado-Ryu Karate. On 27 November 1980, the 5th World …

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