Tag: Italian

Carlo Fugazza

What time man has received he must immediately return, only in this way. Will he be able to receive more. Carlo Fugazza One of Hiroshi Shirai’s, most senior students, Carlo Fugazza, has been practising Shotokan Karate for over 50 years. He is widely regarded as one of the top teachers of Shotokan kata. He has …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/carlo-fugazza/

Gennaro Talarico

I’m trying to make adults. Create people with sound principles, who live their moment with passion, that can serve them in their life. I just try to pass on to others what I have achieved. Gennaro Talarico For many years, one of the faces of Italian Karate, Gennaro Talarico was a member of the famed …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/gennaro-talarico/

Lucio Maurino

I think that through Karate we must learn to adapt ourselves to situations. This is the first lesson I give to all my students. “Remember that Karate teaches you how to adapt yourself to different situations.” But before you can be adaptable in your body, like in a fighting situation, you must be adaptable in …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/lucio-maurino/

Luca Valdesi

Karate is Karate – and the training must always be complete: kata, kihon, kumite, self-defense, philosophy. Luca Valdesi Following the likes of Dario Marchini, Luca Valdesi is an icon of Italian Karate. Considered one of the greatest kata competitors, he ranks alongside Tsuguo Sakumoto and Michael Milon as the most successful competitors at the World …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/luca-valdesi/

Dario Marchini

To do Kumite, you must practice Kata and Kihon. Dario Marchini One of the most successful European competitors, Dario Marchini is an 18-time European champion and a 9-time World Champion. As a competitor and coach, he was one of the best. Dario Marchini was born in the Northern Italian city of Brescia, on 30 December …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/dario-marchini/