Tag: Takumi Sugino

Luca Valdesi

Karate is Karate – and the training must always be complete: kata, kihon, kumite, self-defense, philosophy. Luca Valdesi Following the likes of Dario Marchini, Luca Valdesi is an icon of Italian Karate. Considered one of the greatest kata competitors, he ranks alongside Tsuguo Sakumoto and Michael Milon as the most successful competitors at the World …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/luca-valdesi/

Masao Kagawa

Of course, there are heavier kata and there are lighter kata and for my body type, the heavier kata are more natural. But it is important to not only do what you are good at. In fact, it is more important to practice what you are not good at in order to create balance in …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/profile-masao-kagawa/