In sports, the main goal is to win, but in Budo study, the aim is to learn about yourself in order to continue to evolve, perfecting one’s character along with your techniques. This is the Budo way, always searching, always moving ahead and always sharing. Toru Shimoji A student of Hidetaka Nishiyama, Toru Shimoji is …
Category: Bunkai
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Feb 14 2024
Charles Gidley
One should be graded on merit, knowledge, and attitude to the art, as well as one’s capability to pass on the information and therefore maintain a high standard. Charles Gidley Described as an instructor’s instructor, Charles Gidley has developed an extensive knowledge of Shotokan Karate. He has the ability to transmit this knowledge to others. …
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Jul 26 2023
Gary Spiers
An instructor must instill the attitude… “My life is in jeopardy – I must finish this man (or men) here in now!” Gary Spiers A larger-than-life character, Gary Spiers was one of the earliest exponents of practical applied Karate in the United Kingdom. He was a no-nonsense martial artist who used Karate as a tool …
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Nov 09 2022
Teruo Chinen
In a violent culture, people think ‘action first, decision later’. Karate students learn to make quick decisions, good decisions. They learn to avoid bad situations. Teruo Chinen A pioneer of Okinawan Goju–Ryu Karate in the United States, Teruo Chinen was known for his ability to teach Goju-Ryu kata and bunkai. A traditional Karate master, his …
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Aug 31 2022
Cyril Cummins
Karate can never be only a sport because it is first and foremost a martial art. Competition is only a part of the martial arts scene. Whilst I admire the top competitors, it is not the be all and end all of Karate. Cyril Cummins A pioneer of Shotokan Karate in the West Midlands of …
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May 20 2022
Lucio Maurino
I think that through Karate we must learn to adapt ourselves to situations. This is the first lesson I give to all my students. “Remember that Karate teaches you how to adapt yourself to different situations.” But before you can be adaptable in your body, like in a fighting situation, you must be adaptable in …
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May 12 2022
Rick Hotton
Don’t follow in the footsteps of the ancient masters, seek what they sought. Rick Hotton An innovative Karate instructor, Rick Hotton has been described as an ‘Artist who happens to be Martial‘. He is known as one of the great communicators of Karate. His breakdown and analysis of Karate techniques show much thought and a …
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Feb 18 2022
Mary Stevens
A good martial artist is a good learner in all different environments. Mary Stevens A practical martial artist teaching self-protection, a club owner, a writer, and a charity worker, Mary Stevens wears many hats. She espouses a clear delineation between martial arts and self-protection as taught today. Mary Stevens was born on 1 November 1971 …
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Jun 25 2016
Martial Arts News & Articles n.30
Welcome to another selection of posts and articles that have caught my eye. Please sit back and enjoy the current selection. The Master A nice little post describing what means to be called a master. Read more How To Relax in Karate Another brilliant post from Jesse Enkamp, describing the importance of relaxation in Karate. …
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