Tag: Masaru Muira

Masaru Miura

My ideal vision for the future is for students to be able to visit each other more freely and frequently from different countries. I think that we should develop this kind of close relationship between any organisation. In this way all students will be able to exchange goodwill and develop friendship. Masaru Miura Known as …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/masaru-miura/

Akio Nagai

Today Karate is too often practised as only a sport. But it is ‘not‘ a sport, it is a martial art in the way of life. If you only ever search for medals or winning tournaments with a few easy to learn techniques, you will never find out what ‘Karate-Do‘ through hard physical and mental …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/akio-nagai/