Tag: Mikio Yahara

This week in history…(30 January – 5 February)

31 January On 31 January 1999 Keigo Abe resigned from the Matsuno faction of the JKA. Masatoshi Nakayama, the Chief Instructor of the JKA, died in 1987. Tokyo businessman, Nobuyuki Nakahara became the Chairman of the JKA. A number of instructors, led by Tetsuhiko Asai, disagreed with the decision. This led to a split in …

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Tomio Imamura

First be taught; learning comes later; Tomio Imarura Known for his quiet demeanour, Tomio Imamura has been described as a “brilliant technician“, known for his exceptional kumite. A two-time world champion, he is one of the best fighters of his generation. Tomio Imamura was born on 7 October 1958, in Kagoshima, Japan. Imamura attended Takushoku …

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Ronnie Christopher

I feel that without developing mental and physical discipline you can never hope to achieve your full potential whether your bias is kumite or kata. Ronnie Christopher Alongside the likes of Frank Brennan, Elwyn Hall, and George Best, Ronnie Christopher is considered one of the best Shotokan fighters of his era. Blessed with speed, technique, …

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On this day….(February 10)

On 10 February 1966, Andy Sherry and Joseph Chialton became the first students in Great Britain to be graded to 1st Dan by the Japan Karate Association (JKA). The grading took place at the Liverpool Karate Club which was located at 157 Everton Road. The grading was conducted by Keinosuke Enoeda. On 10 February 1999 …

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On this day….(January 31)

On 31 January 1999 Keigo Abe resigned from the Matsuno faction of the JKA. Masatoshi Nakayama, the Chief Instructor of the JKA, died in 1987. Tokyo businessman, Nobuyuki Nakahara became the Chairman of the JKA. A number of instructors, led by Tetsuhiko Asai, disagreed with the decision. This led to a split in the JKA. …

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John Mullin

A Sensei never stops learning, never stops growing. John Mullin Holding the rank of 8th Dan, John Mullin has been practising Karate for over 60 years. He has had the opportunity to train with many of the top instructors from around the world. John Mullin was born in New York around 1945. His father was …

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Akihito Isaka

You must always think about how you build up the level of your kihon and how to achieve a higher level of kihon. Akihito Isaka Like many graduates of the JKA Instructors Course, Akihito Isaka is known for his exceptional technique. He is also known for stressing the importance of slow-motion training as a way …

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Richard Amos

I feel that competition is very healthy and in line with human nature, and as Karate is for one’s entire life, there is time during that life when you should compete. Richard Amos One of only a few foreigners who have passed the JKA Instructors Course, Richard Amos is also one of the few non-Japanese …

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Yasunori Ogura

Seek perfection of character. Everything else follows on from that. Yasunori Ogura A stalwart of the JKA, Yasunori Ogura is known for his attention to detail. He is a former kumite and kata champion, who is a senior instructor at the JKA Hombu. Yasunori Ogura was born on 21 January 1958, in Hokkaido, Japan. Growing …

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Yoshinobu Ohta

Once you start using age as an excuse then you never stop using this excuse. There is no excuse, you should just keep going. Of course, as we get older our body strength becomes weaker and so we automatically become slower with less power but most important is don’t make this an excuse, try to …

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