Tag: WKB

Kenji Kurosaki

In my eyes, Kyodo is the purest of all martial arts, an archer is of all budokas the one who cares least about winning or losing. For him, only Budo exists. Kenji Kurosaki Known as a pioneer of kickboxing and Muay Thai in Japan, Kenji Kurosaki’s contribution to the history of Kyokushin Karate has been …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/kenji-kurosaki/

This week in history…(6 March – 12 March)

6 March On 6 March 1921, Gichin Funakoshi, the founder of Shotokan Karate, led a Karate demonstration in front of Crown Prince Hirohito. The demonstration was performed at the Great Hall of Shuri Castle, in Okinawa. Crown Prince Hirohito had visited Okinawa while en route to a visit to Europe. The ship’s captain, Captain Norikazu …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/this-week-in-history-6-march-12-march/