Category: Competition

Billy Higgins

There is so much involved in karate starting from white belt right through. I’d just like to say that I’ve been doing karate a long time but I feel even now that I am only scratching the surface. Anyone who ever thinks they ‘know it all’ is completely wrong. Billy Higgins Billy Higgins may not …

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Suzuko Okamura-Hamasaki

I realised that I cannot live without Karate. That is my source of energy. Suzuko Okamura-Hamasaki Suzuko Okamura holds a special place in tournament Karate history. She was the first Women’s World Champion in kata. She ushered in a dominance of the kata event for over twenty years by Japanese women that lasted from 1980 …

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David Coulter

Under coaches, Steve Arneil and Ticky Donovan Britain had many successful international Karate teams. From 1974 until his retirement in 1985 David Coulter was a member of many of these squads. As a competitor, he was known for his great spirit, often against much bigger opponents. As a coach and instructor, he has been passionate about the growth of Karate in …

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Moments in history: The 1975 WUKO World Karate Championships

In 1975 the 2nd edition of the WUKO World Karate Championships took place in Long Beach, California. Over two hundred participants from thirty-five countries took part in the event held at the Queen Mary Hyatt hotel. There were only two events in the tournament, the men’s team kumite and the men’s individual event. The team …

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Osamu Ozawa

There were some differences but not between the masters such as Yamaguchi, Funakoshi, Mabuni, et cetera. All those differences lay between the young students and not the masters. Osamu Ozawa Osamu Ozawa is one of the most respected Japanese masters to have taught in the west. Until his death, he was the highest-ranked Shotokan master …

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Hiroki Kurosawa

I was born as Karate Fighter and will close my curtain as Karate Fighter. My life is all about Bushido Spirit. Hiroki Kurosawa One of the most devastating and destructive fighters, Hiroki Kurosawa was known for his relentless attacks and powerful and kicks. Known as the “Japanese Wolf“, he was one of the greatest Kyokushin …

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Yoshiharu Osaka

Sports Karate is so popular but the career span is only 10 to 15 years, you retire by 35 maybe? but traditional Karate is life long, you also practice and benefit in your 70’s, understand body limitations, appreciate the mental aspects, how mind and spirit are together. Lifetime dedication is so important. Yoshiharu Osaka Watching …

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Terry O’Neill

I don’t think that tradition should be kept alive for it’s own sake. If you can prove that something is better, that it’s a better training method, then you should use it. Terry O’Neill Terry O’Neill is a true legend of British martial arts and Shotokan Karate. As a competitor and instructor, he is one …

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Aidan Trimble

I would say “You have got to just keep on doing it!” I have seen on the back of tracksuits the slogan ‘JUST DO IT!’ and that’s perfect! People always find excuses. If you just keep on putting your gi on, things will happen! Aidan Trimble Aidan Trimble is one of those special martial artists …

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Henri Plee

Considered the “Father of European Karate”, Henri Plee is a true pioneer. He studied many martial arts with some of the world’s top masters. He held a 10th Dan in Karate, a 5th Dan in Judo, a 3rd Dan in Aikido and a 1st Dan in Kendo. He made it his mission to promote martial …

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