Category: Traditional

Vernon Bell

12 Maybush Road, Hornchurch, Essex, holds a very special place in British Karate history. It was at this address, in his parents garden, that in 1956 Vernon Bell held the first Karate class in the UK. Over the years, Bell’s name has been largely forgotten in favour of other notable instructors such as Hirokazu Kanazawa, …

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Tsuguo Sakumoto

In Ryuei-ryu we attack and receive simultaneously. Moreover, we use a lot of ashi-sabaki in order to move quickly. Tsuguo Sakumoto Tsuguo Sakumoto is unmistakable with his clean-shaven head and his intense gaze. He is a three-time WKF World Champion in kata and when watching him one cannot fail to be mesmerised by his power, …

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