Tag: Billy Higgins

This week in history (2 May – 9 May)

2 May Between 2 – 4 May 1994, the 29th European Karate Championships were held in Birmingham, England. Englishmen Wayne Otto and Tim Stephens won gold and silver, in their respective Kumite events. Teammates Patricia Duggin and Julliet Toney won bronze medals in their respective kumite events. Sari Laine of Finland, who owns the Guinness …

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This week in history (26 April – 2 May)

26 April On 26 April 1957, Gichin Funakoshi, the founder of Shotokan Karate, died in a Tokyo hospital, aged 88. His family and close student Shigeru Egami were at his bedside. On 26 April 1965, a touring party from the JKA gave their third authorized demonstration in Britain. The party consisted of Taiji Kase, Hirokazu …

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Eddie Daniels

…. Karateka should train as martial artists and take part in sport, not train as sportsmen. The situation will be made worse if ever Karate gets onto the television – generations of kids will come to regard it just as a sport. Eddie Daniels Known for his speed and skill, Eddie Daniels was one of …

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This week in history (1 March – 7 March)

1 March On 1 March 1962, the British Karate Federation (BKF) issued a club affiliation certificate to the Liverpool Karate Club. The club, formed in 1959 under Fred Giles, would eventually come to be known as the Red Triangle Shotokan Karate Club. Initially, club members received instruction from Vernon Bell, Terry Wingrove and Tetsuji Murakami. However, …

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Tomiko Mitsuoka

I feel I am nobody without Karate and will be lost without it. It provides me with guidance, discipline, perseverance and gives me respect as I respect others. Tomiko Mitsuoka Currently ranked as an 8th Dan, Tomiko Mitsuoka is one of the highest-ranked women in Shotokan Karate and the highest-ranked female instructor in the World …

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Bob Rhodes

Spirit is essential to martial practise. In Karate the development of the technique of kiai is so important; is is more than just to shout. Without correct practise, you are losing the spiritual essence of effective martial arts. Harmonisation of body, spirit and mind is surely the only way you can be fully committed to …

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Brian Fitkin

In addition to teaching my students Karate, I try to make really good people of them. Karate instructors have a tremendous responsibility because the students tend to copy them, but a lot of instructors don’t seem to realise it. Brian Fitkin Fighting at heavyweight, Brian Fitkin was described by legend Steve Arneil as being like …

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Elwyn Hall

There are obviously some absolutely fantastic Sensei around and some really fantastic karateka around. However, I do not think especially in this day and age of so much choice with regards to the proliferation of Martial Arts, and a propensity towards activities that deliver a quick fix, that the natural temptation is to meet the …

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Hideo Ochi

Kime means that the technique is performed at maximum speed and that the entire musculature in the final moment is contracted. If the technique is performed quickly but without kime in the final phase, it can lead to damage to the joint and, for lack of control, to injury to the opponent. This means: without kime, i.e. …

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This week in history (10 Aug – 16 Aug)

14 August On 14 August 1934 the founder of American Goju-ryu Karate, Peter George Urban, was born in Jersey City, USA. Serving in the US Navy he was stationed in Yokohama, Japan. In 1953 he began studying Karate as a student of Richard Kim. In 1954 he was transferred to Tokyo. There he was introduced …

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