Tag: Keinosuke Enoeda

This week in history…(7 November – 13 November)

8 November On 8 November 1965, Hirokazu Kanazawa held his second official grading at the Lyndhurst Hall dojo in London. Keinosuke Enoeda was also present at the grading. Ray Fuller was successful, receiving the temporary grade of 3rd Kyu. Between 8-11 November 1990, the 10th World Championships were held in Mexico City, Mexico. Tomoyuki Aihara …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/this-week-in-history-7-november-13-november/

This week in history….(19 September – 25 September)

20 September On 20 September 1934, Takayuki Kubota, a pioneer of martial arts in the United States, was born in Yashiro-Shi, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. He was the fourth of six children, having four brothers and one sister. His family was descended from a samurai clan that had once invaded the island of Okinawa. On 20 …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/this-week-in-history-19-september-25-september/

This week in history…(5 September – 11 September)

6 September On 6 September 2016 Walter Seaton, one of the first Wado-Ryu black belts in the UK, died aged 80 years. Seaton was born in Middlesbrough and was one of the first instructors to teach Karate to women at his dojo. A family man, Seaton and his wife Eva had six children, twenty-two grandchildren, …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/this-week-in-history-5-september-11-september/

Cyril Cummins

Karate can never be only a sport because it is first and foremost a martial art. Competition is only a part of the martial arts scene. Whilst I admire the top competitors, it is not the be all and end all of Karate. Cyril Cummins A pioneer of Shotokan Karate in the West Midlands of …

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This week in history… (25 July – 31 July)

25 July Between 25 and 27 July 1981, the Karate event took place at Santa Clara University, at the 1st World Games held in Santa Clara, California. Tokey Hill won a bronze medal in the Men’s Individual -80kg Kumite event. Yukiyoshi Marutani defeated teammate, Seiji Nishimura, to win the bronze medal in the Men’s Individual …

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Ronnie Christopher

I feel that without developing mental and physical discipline you can never hope to achieve your full potential whether your bias is kumite or kata. Ronnie Christopher Alongside the likes of Frank Brennan, Elwyn Hall, and George Best, Ronnie Christopher is considered one of the best Shotokan fighters of his era. Blessed with speed, technique, …

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This week in history… (18 July – 24 July)

18 July On 18 July 1959, Tetsuji Murakami made his first-ever visit to England to teach for the BKF (British Karate Federation). He also conducted a number of gradings at 12 Maybush Road, Hornchurch, Essex. On 18 July 1963 Vernon Bell received a letter from his German counterpart, Jurgen Seydel, informing him that Tetsuji Murakami …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/this-week-in-history-18-july-24-july/

This week in history… (4 July – 10 July)

4 July On 4 July 1935, Keinosuke Enoeda, a legend of Shotokan Karate, was born in Fukuoka, Japan, to a family of samurai lineage. Enoeda began his martial arts training in Judo aged 7. He eventually reached the grade of 2nd Dan. He entered Takushoku University, aged 19, because of its strong Karate club. Enoeda …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/this-week-in-history-4-july-10-july/

Masataka Mori

Everybody who comes to Karate in the beginning thinks they’re learning how to defend themselves and be good at fighting, but I like to teach the moral aspect of it. If I teach this, the technique and spirit of my students join together. Masataka Mori Known as “hawk eyes” because of his intense stare, Masataka …

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Matt Price

I see Karate not as a sport but as an art. Therefore kata and kumite are both needed to become an all-round practitioner of the art. That isn’t to say I have anything against people who view karate as a sport. Matt Price As a competitor, Matt Price was known for his very strong kumite. …

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