Masatoshi Nakayama, the former Chief Instructor of the JKA, once said of Norihiko Iida: Iida’s changing techniques are admirable. They bring to mind the mysterious technique of twirling one’s fingers as if to hypnotise a dragonfly. One never thinks he will fall for the trick, but in the end, he succumbs A powerfully built man, …
Tag: Masao Kawasoe
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Jan 26 2021
Masao Kawasoe
Most people don’t understand the central role the hips have to play in Karate. Karate is about the hips first and then the other parts of the body coming into play picking up energy along the way. Masao Kawasoe The former Chief Instructor of the JKA, Masatoshi Nakayama, once said of Masao Kawasoe: Through his …
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Dec 26 2020
Katsunori Tsuyama
At the end, there is only one thing that is kihon. Many complain about the monotonous basic training. The body may, however, be aware only by a uniform constant repetition of movements. One should look for the connection of conscious art and physical strength. The technique must be so trained that it settles in the …
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Aug 14 2020
Elwyn Hall
There are obviously some absolutely fantastic Sensei around and some really fantastic karateka around. However, I do not think especially in this day and age of so much choice with regards to the proliferation of Martial Arts, and a propensity towards activities that deliver a quick fix, that the natural temptation is to meet the …
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Aug 09 2020
Keinosuke Enoeda
Now we have ‘Sport Karate‘ which I understand is to help maintain the interest in Karate. Traditional Karate-do is a ‘martial art’ which requires both physical and mental training for the whole mind and body. There are many benefits which can be gained with practice, by both young and old throughout your whole life. If …
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Mar 09 2020
This week in history (9 March – 15 March)
10 March On 10 March 1945, the Shotokan dojo was destroyed during the bombing raid of Tokyo by American B29 bombers, during World War II. The bombing raid had started the previous evening. An estimated 1665 tons of bombs were dropped on Tokyo. Much of Tokyo was destroyed, with an estimate 100000 people losing their …
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Mar 11 2019
This week in history (11 Mar – 17 Mar)
13 March On 13 March 1957 Vernon Bell was awarded his black belt in Yoseikan Karate from the Fédération Française de Karaté, under Hiroo Mochizuki and Henri Plee. Bell had started training with Plee towards the end of 1955. He had made frequent visits to Plee’s Paris dojo. After around eighteen monthes he graded for …
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Mar 14 2017
On this day….(March 14)
On this day, 14th March 1946, Michael Billman, a high ranking karate administrator, was born in the East End of London. At school, Billman had been a keen rugby player having trials with the Saracens Rugby Club. On leaving school he took up amateur boxing. In 1969 he began his karate training at a club run …
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