Tradition is not about blindly following in the footsteps of the old masters, or even preserving their ashes in a box, but rather in keeping the flame of their spirit alive, by continuing to seek out, understand and improve what they originally sought. Patrick McCarthy Known for his detailed historical research into Karate and its …
Category: Budo
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Oct 25 2020
Tsuyoshi Hiroshige
It is important to determine the strategy, and tactics should be allowed to determine the performers in the field on the basis of their own initiative and knowledge. Tsuyoshi Hiroshige A phenomenal instructor, Tsuyoshi Hiroshige was known as a master trainer. He has trained multiple world champions and All Japan champions, including Kenji Midori, Kenji …
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Oct 15 2020
Bobby Lowe
The ABC of Karate is the basis of kihon. And a lot in the technique depends on kihon. If you know the ABC, you can write words, sentences, paragraphs, chapters, and then books. Bobby Lowe Known as the ‘Instructor’s Instructor‘, Bobby Lowe was Mas Oyama’s oldest and most senior student. He was Oyama’s first uchi-deshi …
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Oct 11 2020
Manzo Iwata
One of Shito-ryu founder, Kenwa Mabuni’s top students, Manzo Iwata was a phenomenal martial artist, who was a long time member of the Federation of All Japan Karate-do Organisation (FAJKO). A well-respected Shito-ryu master, he was known for his superb technical ability. Manzo Iwata was born on 9 February 1924, in Tokyo, Japan. He was …
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Sep 15 2020
Hatsuo Royama
Without presence and without intention, technique cannot live, it cannot inhabit the body. Hatsuo Royama The name Hatsuo Royama is synonymous with Kyokushin Karate. Around at the birth of Kyokushin Karate, he was one of the few students to be involved with Mas Oyama, the founder of Kyokushin, from the start of the art, until …
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Sep 01 2020
Chris Rowen
But when you talk of Karate and Karate-do, there is a great difference. Sport Karate is essentially competition and tournament Karate. Karate-do is ‘the way of Karate‘; the side of the art which takes in all the spiritual aspects and philosophical meaning. Chris Rowen A man of many hats, Chris Rowen is the epitome of …
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Aug 16 2020
Donn Draeger
The Exponent of today’s modern Budo gropes about in a maze of classical traditions that he does not understand, and thus, the cleverest of his kind declare that the classical disciplines must be freed from feudal Japanese and raised to great heights of rational efficiency so as to yield wealth, prestige, and practical use. Donn …
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Aug 16 2020
Hiroo Mochizuki
It is not my role to give advice, but if I had to do it I would say that is good to try to broaden your vision on a technical and mental level. Break the shell, do not remain partitioned. Watching only is useless. Hiroo Mochizuki Hiroo Mochizuki was the first Japanese instructor to teach …
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Aug 15 2020
Mikio Yahara
I know Karate as a martial art, but now Karate seems like dancing. I would like to return to the original Karate, to its sources. Budo Karate, according to my opinion, is when I may finish my opponent definitively by one killing blow. Mikio Yahara Moving like a leopard, Mikio Yahara is one of the …
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