Category: JKA

Keinosuke Enoeda

Now we have ‘Sport Karate‘ which I understand is to help maintain the interest in Karate. Traditional Karate-do is a ‘martial art’ which requires both physical and mental training for the whole mind and body. There are many benefits which can be gained with practice, by both young and old throughout your whole life. If …

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Moments in history: The JKA tour of 1965

For many people around the world, the Japan Karate Association (JKA) are synonymous with Shotokan Karate. The technical excellence of their instructors are well respected, regardless of the style of Karate practised. Masters like Nakayama, Nishiyama, Okazaki, Kanazawa and Enoeda, to name a few, are held as the pinnacle of Shotokan Karate. Gichin Funakoshi introduced …

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Osamu Ozawa

There were some differences but not between the masters such as Yamaguchi, Funakoshi, Mabuni, et cetera. All those differences lay between the young students and not the masters. Osamu Ozawa Osamu Ozawa is one of the most respected Japanese masters to have taught in the west. Until his death, he was the highest-ranked Shotokan master …

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Yoshiharu Osaka

Sports Karate is so popular but the career span is only 10 to 15 years, you retire by 35 maybe? but traditional Karate is life long, you also practice and benefit in your 70’s, understand body limitations, appreciate the mental aspects, how mind and spirit are together. Lifetime dedication is so important. Yoshiharu Osaka Watching …

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Hiroshi Shirai

Breathing is very important in karate. You should first start with breathing exercise very slowly. Inhale 30 seconds exhale 30 seconds. After you inhale slowly and exhale fast, inhale fast, exhale slowly, and the opposite way around. You also can go to the forest, to a quiet place, close your eyes, and just breath slowly …

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Takayuki Mikami

Water can adapt itself totally to its environment and still maintain its identity. Calm water reflects a total picture and troubled water reflect confusion. So approaching a problem with a calm and adaptable mind is very important to making the wise choices. Takayuki Mikami Takayuki Mikami has had a lot of firsts in his Karate …

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Stan Schmidt

I learned that you can achieve more by remaining calm, and keeping your emotions stable, than by trying too hard to overpower an opponent. I found that correct utilisation of energy was very necessary. Stan Schmidt Stan Schmidt can be considered a trailblazer when it comes to Karate. With over fifty years of training in …

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Taiji Kase

Competition is only one part of Karate, the other is self-defence. Budo helps to develop the personality of people who practise Karate-Do. Budo Karate is so big that you can develop in many directions. Many people do competition, but people should keep it more traditional, otherwise, it’s like boxing or something like this. If people …

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Hidetaka Nishiyama

Martial arts philosophy is not based on victory or fighting, but rather on finding a way to avoid violence through having the ability to defend yourself if needed. In Karate, through self-defence techniques we develop the awareness and sensitivity to the person facing us, we learn to feel the danger and go around it. Hidetaka …

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Teruyuki Okazaki

Karate-do is Budo and Budo is not a sport. The real meaning of Budo is to go into life more deeply and improve physical and spiritual qualities through hard training. The essence or concept of sport is to get away with the toils of life and have some fun. Teruyuki Okazaki Teruyuki Okazaki, described by …

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