On this day, 30 December 1960, former SKIF European and World Champion, Aidan Trimble was born in Nottingham, England. He was a long time member of Hirokazu Kanazawa’s Shotokan Karate International Federation (SKIF), eventually leaving to form is own association, The Federation of Shotokan Karate. Until injury curtailed his competitive career in 1983, Trimble was a …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/on-this-day-dec-30/
Sep 12 2016
Martial Arts News & Articles n.33
Welcome to another selection of posts and articles that have caught my eye. Please sit back and enjoy the current selection. All Over the Map? Krav Maga and Iain Abernethy’s Martial Map A post from Richard Bejtlich discussing the pro and cons of Iain Abernethy’s Martial Map. Read more Aragaki Seisan A post from Iain Abernethy …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/martial-arts-news-articles-n-33/
Sep 01 2016
Steve Arneil
I look back to the way I trained. Many of the things we did were plain stupid. We didn’t know any better, you know if you could stretch your legs a certain way they were forced by someone helping you – there would be tear marks from stretching. Nowadays there are proper ways of training …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/spotlight-steve-arneil-the-spirit-of-bushido/
Aug 13 2016
Martial Arts News & Articles n.32
Welcome to another selection of posts and articles that have caught my eye. Please sit back and enjoy the current selection. The Way of Kata – Part 1 This is the first in a series of articles, by authors Lawrence Kane and Kris Wilder, exploring the hidden meanings behind Karate kata. Read more The Way of …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/martial-arts-news-articles-n-32/
Jul 11 2016
Martial Arts News & Articles n.31
Welcome to another selection of posts and articles that have caught my eye. Please sit back and enjoy the current selection. The Martial Arts Believers A post from Andrea Harkins, The Martial Arts Woman, discussing why martial arts can be for everyone. Read more History of Taikiken in Kyokushin Karate An article describing how the …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/martial-arts-news-articles-n-31/
Jun 25 2016
Martial Arts News & Articles n.30
Welcome to another selection of posts and articles that have caught my eye. Please sit back and enjoy the current selection. The Master A nice little post describing what means to be called a master. Read more How To Relax in Karate Another brilliant post from Jesse Enkamp, describing the importance of relaxation in Karate. …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/martial-arts-news-articles-n-30/
Mar 26 2016
Martial Arts News & Articles n.29
Welcome to another selection of posts and articles that have caught my eye. Please sit back and enjoy the current selection. The Beginner’s Guide To Kyokushin Karate A post providing a description of Kyokushin karate. Read more The Beginner’s Guide To Bunkai In this post Jesse Enkamp provides details on the importance of studying bunkai. …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/martial-arts-news-articles-n-29/
Mar 12 2016
Martial Arts News & Articles n.28
Welcome to another selection of posts and articles that have caught my eye. Please sit back and enjoy the current selection. 7 Reasons You Can Choose Karate As An Alternative To Yoga As martial artists we know the benefits of our chosen art. This posts describes the benefits of choosing karate as an alternative to …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/martial-arts-news-articles-n-28/
Mar 05 2016
Martial Arts News & Articles n.27
Welcome to another selection of posts and articles that have caught my eye. Please sit back and enjoy the current selection. The 20 Greatest Kyokushin Karate Fighters Of All Time #12-09 A post profiling some of the greatest Kyokushin fighters. Read more Sanchin Kata: Does it lead to premature death? In this post the author examines …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/martial-arts-news-articles-n-27/
Feb 27 2016
Martial Arts News & Articles n.26
Welcome to another selection of posts and articles that have caught my eye. Please sit back and enjoy the current selection. How To Improve Your Side Kick (Yoko-Geri) In this post Jesse Enkamp breaks explains the mechanics of the karate side kick. Read more Performing the Katas In this article Iain Abernethy delves into how …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/martial-arts-news-articles-n-26/
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