Yukichi Tabata

Nicknamed the ‘Happy Giant’ because of his easy-going demeanour, Yukichi Tabata stood over 6 ft, which was tall for a Japanese man. A member of the Japanese National Team for many years, he had a reputation for being a very tough fighter. Yukichi Tabata was born in Japan in 1943. After graduating from university in …

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Yuichi Sato

I have to admit, when I felt my strength starting to diminish, I hated it and it was also a motivation for me. I don’t want to show weakness. The difference today is that I am no longer looking for an immediate result. I look for technical progress, hip, mobility, shoulder placement, what location, what …

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This week in history…(8 January – 14 January)

8 January On 8 January 1933, a pioneer of Goju-Ryu Karate in America, Chuck Merriman was born in Waterford, Connecticut. For many years Chuck Merriman has been one of the most recognisable faces in Karate. This American Karate pioneer has been featured on the cover of many martial arts publications. He has been instrumental in …

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Yoshikazu Sumi

Training with action and reaction, mostly good kihon too. Jiyu ippon kumite (semi freestyle) teaches good kumite. Also do not forget kata. We must practice everything equally, then kumite will improve for sure. Yoshikazu Sumi Known for his great spirit and sense of humour, Yoshikazu Sumi’s movement has been described as being strong and fluid. …

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Hitoshi Kasuya

It is important to practice kata in the correct way. First, learn the correct steps and movements. Second, learn to apply the correct rhythm to the kata. Third, and most important, is one’s mental control and concentration. Kata is a kind of meditation, to teach oneself to develop absolute self-control. The combination of timing, distance, …

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This week in history…(1 January – 7 January)

1 January On 1 January 1913, Genshin Hironishi was born in Kyoto, Japan. Also known as Motonobu Hironishi, he was considered one of Gichin Funakoshi’s favourite students. Together with Shigeru Egami, he was an assistant to Yoshitaka Funakoshi. He was one of the main instructors at the Shoto Kan, Gichin Funakoshi‘a purpose-built dojo. On 1 …

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This week in history…(25 December – 31 December)

25 December On 25 December 1938, Goju-ryu Karate master, Morio Higaonna was born in Naha, Okinawa. Higaonna began his Karate journey by first studying Shorin-Ryu Karate. He later changed to Goju-Ryu Karate, studying under Eiichi Miyazato, a senior student of Goju-Ryu founder Chojun Miyagi. His main instructor was Anichi Miyagi, another direct student of Chojun Miyagi. …

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This week in history…(18 December – 24 December)

19 December On 19 December 1963, Vernon Bell received a letter from Masatomo Takagi, the General Manager of the Japan Karate Association (JKA), requesting that the British Karate Federation officially act as the authorized representative of the JKA in Britain. Earlier that year Bell had received a letter from Takagi indicating that Tetsuji Murakami (Yoseikan …

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Avi Rokah

Our Karate is about more than efficient use, it is about self-mastery, or an endless journey toward mastery that we will never reach. We are never going to be perfect, but we can always get better. Avi Rokah Carrying on the Legacy of Karate as taught to him by Hidetaka Nishiyama, Avi Rokah has been …

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This week in history…(11 December – 17 December)

11 December On 11 December 1985, former World Champion, Douglas Santos Brose, was born in the Brazilian town of Cruz Alta. On 11 December 2011, the Leeds Shotokan Karate Club presented Bob Rhodes with an award to commemorate his fifty years in Karate. 12 December On 12 December 1965, Hirokazu Kanazawa held his first grading …

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