Tag: Chotoku Kyan

This week in history…(23 October – 29 October)

24 October On 24 October 1996, the High Court of Tokyo upheld an earlier decision regarding Mas Oyama’s last will. On 31 March 1995, Judge Atsushi Watanabe of the Tokyo Court of Family Affairs had previously ruled that Oyama’s verbal will was invalid as it had not been signed by him, only by the witnesses. …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/this-week-in-history23-october-29-october/

This week in history…(28 November – 4 December)

28 November On 28 November 1934 Frank Cope, a pioneer of British Shotokan Karate, was born in Liverpool. A long-time member of the KUGB (Karate Union of Great Britain) he would become one of the first Karate black belts in Britain. On 28 November 2009, the 9th Open Weight Kyokushin Championships were held in Paris. There were 166 …

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Zenpo Shimabukuro

Just because one believes in the modern, one should not forget the old. Zenpo Shimabukuro An instructor who believes in both traditional and modern approaches to Karate training, Zenpo Shimabukuro believes that is up that it is up to a student to find the appropriate balance in their training. On 11 October 1943 Zenpo Shimabukuro …

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Zenryo Shimabukuro

A highly respected Okinawan Karate master Zenryo Shimabukuro was the founder of Shorin-Ryu Seibukan Karate. An unassuming man, very little is known of him in the west. Shimabukuro was a student of the pre-war Okinawan master, Chotoku Kyan. He was one of Kyan’s few students to teach his style of karate. Zenryo Shimabukuro was born …

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This week in history…(24 October – 30 October)

24 October On 24 October 1996, the High Court of Tokyo upheld an earlier decision regarding Mas Oyama’s last will. On 31 March 1995 Judge Atsushi Watanabe of the Tokyo Court of Family Affairs ruled that Oyama’s verbal will was invalid as it had not been signed by him, only by the witnesses. His family …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/this-week-in-history-24-october-30-october/

Masahiko Tokashiki

Karate is not a sport, but a way of life; it is very important for people to understand this. Masahiko Tokashiki An advocate of Okinawan Karate, Masahiko Tokashiki, it’s a well respected master in Shprin Ryu Karate. He is known for having great control over his movements. He is also known for his great ability …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/masahiko-tokashiki/

This week in history (29 November – 5 December)

29 November On  29 November 1964, Clive William Nicol took his black belt examination and earned the rank of Shodan.  Born on 17 July 1940 in Neath, C. W. Nicol is best known for his book Moving Zen – Karate As A Way To Gentleness, a must-read for all martial artists. The book provides a fascinating insight into the early …

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Bill Hayes

In my opinion, one of the greatest mistakes in our training is not tailoring kata as time goes by. Bill Hayes A pioneer of Okinawan Shobayashi Shorin-Ryu Karate in the United States, Bill Hayes is a leader of men. As a US Marine, he served in the Vietnam War. As one of Eizo Shimabukuro’s most …

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This week in history (2 December – 8 December)

3 December On 3 December 1941, Shoshin Nagamine gave a public Karate demonstration to members of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Force and an assortment of dignitaries, including the Police Chief Cabinet secretary and his deputy, plus members of the Ministry of Health and Welfare (Martial Arts section).  Born 15 July 1907 in Naha, Okinawa, Nagamine is the founder …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/this-week-in-history-2-december-8-december/