Tag: Okinawan

Toru Shimoji

In sports, the main goal is to win, but in Budo study, the aim is to learn about yourself in order to continue to evolve, perfecting one’s character along with your techniques. This is the Budo way, always searching, always moving ahead and always sharing. Toru Shimoji A student of Hidetaka Nishiyama, Toru Shimoji is …

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Morio Higaonna

I think that people start learning Karate with different goals in their minds. However, whatever style they choose, I believe the most important factor is a good instructor… also one must never forget that Karate is not only about fighting. Morio Higaonna It could be argued that no one has done more to popularise Okinawan …

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Shinkin Gima

One learns through imitation, and being corrected, learning is enhanced with humility and enthusiasm. Shinkin Gima Sometimes referred to by the Japanese translation of his name, Makoto, Shinkin Gima is often overlooked by the wider Karate world. He was present at the introduction of Karate in Japan. He was also one of the first people …

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Yoshitaka Funakoshi

When our Sempai taught us kata, they told us that when Yoshitaka Funakoshi performed a kata, those who observed him experienced a particular sensation, the tremendous impression of impending danger. Taiji Kase A major figure in the development of Shotokan Karate, Yoshitaka Funakoshi has arguably had the biggest influence on the Shotokan Karate practised today. …

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Eiichi Miyazato

Be mindful of your courtesy with humblenessTraining yourself considering physical strengthStudy and contrive seriouslyBe calm in mind and swift in actionTake care of yourselfLive a plain and simple lifeDo not be too proud of yourselfContinue training with patience and steadiness Eiichi Miyazato (Jundokan Dojo Kun) Known for his strong personality, Eiichi Miyazato was considered one …

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Anichi Miyagi

Largely known by many as the teacher of Morio Higaonna, Anichi Miyagi was one of Goju–Ryu founder, Chojun Miyagi’s last students. Dedicated to Chojun Miyagi, he tried to stay true to his master’s teachings. Anichi Miyagi was born on 9 February 1931, in Naha, Okinawa. He was the oldest of three boys. Between 1 April …

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Zenpo Shimabukuro

Just because one believes in the modern, one should not forget the old. Zenpo Shimabukuro An instructor who believes in both traditional and modern approaches to Karate training, Zenpo Shimabukuro believes that is up that it is up to a student to find the appropriate balance in their training. On 11 October 1943 Zenpo Shimabukuro …

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Zenryo Shimabukuro

A highly respected Okinawan Karate master Zenryo Shimabukuro was the founder of Shorin-Ryu Seibukan Karate. An unassuming man, very little is known of him in the west. Shimabukuro was a student of the pre-war Okinawan master, Chotoku Kyan. He was one of Kyan’s few students to teach his style of karate. Zenryo Shimabukuro was born …

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Teruo Chinen

In a violent culture, people think ‘action first, decision later’. Karate students learn to make quick decisions, good decisions. They learn to avoid bad situations. Teruo Chinen A pioneer of Okinawan Goju–Ryu Karate in the United States, Teruo Chinen was known for his ability to teach Goju-Ryu kata and bunkai. A traditional Karate master, his …

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Masahiko Tokashiki

Karate is not a sport, but a way of life; it is very important for people to understand this. Masahiko Tokashiki An advocate of Okinawan Karate, Masahiko Tokashiki, it’s a well respected master in Shprin Ryu Karate. He is known for having great control over his movements. He is also known for his great ability …

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