Tag: Kenei Mabuni

Toru Arakawa

There are so many different cultures and ideas, how can one say a Frenchman follow along with an American and do things exactly the same way. If I have to give advice, it would be to Japanese teachers living abroad – I hope they don’t try to teach the same way in which they teach …

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Manzo Iwata

One of Shito-ryu founder, Kenwa Mabuni’s top students, Manzo Iwata was a phenomenal martial artist, who was a long time member of the Federation of All Japan Karate-do Organisation (FAJKO). A well-respected Shito-ryu master, he was known for his superb technical ability. Manzo Iwata was born on 9 February 1924, in Tokyo, Japan. He was …

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This week in history (28 Sep – 4 Oct)

28 September On 28 September 1897, Shinkin Gima was born in Shuri, Okinawa. Growing up he studied Karate under both Yasutsune Itosu and Kentsu Yabu before attending university in Tokyo. In 1922 he met and began training with Gichin Funakoshi. He was Funakoshi’s first black belt and would eventually reach the rank of 10th Dan. …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/this-week-in-history-28-sep-4-oct/

Goshi Yamaguchi

We don’t need to separate sport and the traditional elements. Many young people like to have a chance to participate in sport Karate competition, and it is very good for them. In the process, they make friends and grow up. But people cannot neglect the mental aspect of training. Goshi Yamaguchi Goshi Yamaguchi comes from …

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Gosei Yamaguchi

Karate must be taught differently to people of different social backgrounds. It belongs to humanity, not just to the Japanese or Okinawans, and we must recognise this in our methods of introducing Karate to the public. Gosei Yamaguchi Gosei Yamaguchi was born into Karate royalty. His father was the legendary Goju-ryu master, Gogen ‘the cat‘ …

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Fumio Demura

Sport Karate is like a game, in traditional Karate you learn human life. Fumio Demura A master of Shito-Ryu Karate and Okinawan Kobudo, Fumio Demura was a true legend and pioneer of American Karate. He has appeared on the front cover of over 30 martial arts magazines. An author of several books, he also built …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/spotlight-fumio-demura-the-real-mr-miyagi/

Yoshiharu Osaka

Sports Karate is so popular but the career span is only 10 to 15 years, you retire by 35 maybe? but traditional Karate is life long, you also practice and benefit in your 70’s, understand body limitations, appreciate the mental aspects, how mind and spirit are together. Lifetime dedication is so important. Yoshiharu Osaka Watching …

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Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/spotlight-yoshiharu-osaka-liquid-in-motion/