Tag: Goshi Yamaguchi

Shuji Tasaki

A teacher notices the difference and tries to think of the way to improve each individual student. He also respects the individuality and characteristic of each person and tries to build them up mentally and physically. Shuji Tasaki One of Gogen Yamaguchi’s best students, Shuji Tasaki, is considered by many to be one of the …

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Yosuke Yamashita

I think it would be a fundamental point for every practitioner to study the history of Karate in more depth. Yosuke Yamashita Known as the “Samurai of Puerto del Sol“, Yosuke Yamashita was a pioneer of Goju–Ryu Karate in Spain. He was at the forefront of the development of Goju–Ryu in Europe. His many students …

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Gary Spiers

An instructor must instill the attitude… “My life is in jeopardy – I must finish this man (or men) here in now!” Gary Spiers A larger-than-life character, Gary Spiers was one of the earliest exponents of practical applied Karate in the United Kingdom. He was a no-nonsense martial artist who used Karate as a tool …

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Leo Lipinski

I firmly believe that to learn to fight you must fight. So most of my basics are geared to fighting not the typical up and down movements you will see in most dojos. I use these for warm-up only and usually I dispense with this type of monotonous practice after about 15 minutes. Leo Lipinski …

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Goshi Yamaguchi

We don’t need to separate sport and the traditional elements. Many young people like to have a chance to participate in sport Karate competition, and it is very good for them. In the process, they make friends and grow up. But people cannot neglect the mental aspect of training. Goshi Yamaguchi Goshi Yamaguchi comes from …

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Gosei Yamaguchi

Karate must be taught differently to people of different social backgrounds. It belongs to humanity, not just to the Japanese or Okinawans, and we must recognise this in our methods of introducing Karate to the public. Gosei Yamaguchi Gosei Yamaguchi was born into Karate royalty. His father was the legendary Goju-ryu master, Gogen ‘the cat‘ …

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Chris Rowen

But when you talk of Karate and Karate-do, there is a great difference. Sport Karate is essentially competition and tournament Karate. Karate-do is ‘the way of Karate‘; the side of the art which takes in all the spiritual aspects and philosophical meaning. Chris Rowen A man of many hats, Chris Rowen is the epitome of …

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Tsutomu Ohshima

….at least my black belts know that what they are learning is not for the ego, or just for street use or for competition, but for their own soul and their own life. Tsutomu Ohshima Known for his serious, penetrating gaze, Tsutomu Ohshima was a direct student of Karate founder, Gichin Funakoshi. He was one …

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Quote 256

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Quote 244

Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/quote-244/