Category: Goju-ryu

Seiji Nishimura

True Karate-Do it’s not strictly for technique but for developing your mind. Karate is for life. It is a way of life, a way of thinking. Seiji Nishimura Having a competitive career second to none, Seiji Nishimura is one of Japan’s most successful, kumite competitors, spanning over an eight-year period. Being both a Wado-Ryu and …

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John Jarvis

I also took advice from my teacher on Jo fighting (stick approx. 120 cm long). He reminded me of the words of the great Miyamoto Musashi: “When you go on a long journey, think only about the next stop, not about the whole journey. When you fight many opponents, do the same.“ John Jarvis A …

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Goshi Yamaguchi

We don’t need to separate sport and the traditional elements. Many young people like to have a chance to participate in sport Karate competition, and it is very good for them. In the process, they make friends and grow up. But people cannot neglect the mental aspect of training. Goshi Yamaguchi Goshi Yamaguchi comes from …

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Gosei Yamaguchi

Karate must be taught differently to people of different social backgrounds. It belongs to humanity, not just to the Japanese or Okinawans, and we must recognise this in our methods of introducing Karate to the public. Gosei Yamaguchi Gosei Yamaguchi was born into Karate royalty. His father was the legendary Goju-ryu master, Gogen ‘the cat‘ …

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Chris Rowen

But when you talk of Karate and Karate-do, there is a great difference. Sport Karate is essentially competition and tournament Karate. Karate-do is ‘the way of Karate‘; the side of the art which takes in all the spiritual aspects and philosophical meaning. Chris Rowen A man of many hats, Chris Rowen is the epitome of …

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Atsuko Wakai

Women first competed in the World Championships in 1980 at the tournament held in Madrid, Spain. Suzuko Okamura became the first individual kata world champion. Her victory was the start of total dominance of the kata events by the Japanese women. From 1980 to 2004 they remained undefeated in the event. Arguably the greatest of …

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Chuck Merriman

Be as hard as the world makes you be and be as soft as the world will let you be! There is a difference between being kind, courteous and considerate because you chose to be and being kind, courteous and considerate because you are not strong enough to be otherwise! My Karate training allows me …

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Suzuko Okamura-Hamasaki

I realised that I cannot live without Karate. That is my source of energy. Suzuko Okamura-Hamasaki Suzuko Okamura holds a special place in tournament Karate history. She was the first Women’s World Champion in kata. She ushered in a dominance of the kata event for over twenty years by Japanese women that lasted from 1980 …

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Dan Ivan

Little did I know at that time in my life that destiny might have charted my course.  Despite my hostile surroundings, I was at the right place at the right time and on the precipice of a new life. Dan Ivan At times, Dan Ivan’s life has read like a work of fiction. His exploits …

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