We don’t need to separate sport and the traditional elements. Many young people like to have a chance to participate in sport Karate competition, and it is very good for them. In the process, they make friends and grow up. But people cannot neglect the mental aspect of training. Goshi Yamaguchi Goshi Yamaguchi comes from …
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Sep 10 2020
Gosei Yamaguchi
Karate must be taught differently to people of different social backgrounds. It belongs to humanity, not just to the Japanese or Okinawans, and we must recognise this in our methods of introducing Karate to the public. Gosei Yamaguchi Gosei Yamaguchi was born into Karate royalty. His father was the legendary Goju-ryu master, Gogen ‘the cat‘ …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/gosei-yamaguchi/
Sep 08 2020
Kenji Yamaki
The positioning of your knee is the key. From a standing position, you have to be able to chamber your knee as high as possible, and that’s what gives you the luxury of options in terms of where and how are you place the kick. If you bring your knee up high, you can kick …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/kenji-yamaki/
Sep 07 2020
This week in history (7 Sep – 13 Sep)
7 September On 7 September 1959 the first British Karate Federation (BKF) Summer Course was held. It was a six-day course held at the Ippon Judo Club, located in the basement of the Imperial Private Hotel, Scarborough, Yorkshire. The course was conducted by Vernon Bell and was limited to twenty students. It was open to …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/this-week-in-history-7-sep-13-sep/
Sep 05 2020
Francisco Filho
That is to show in life you must never give up. Always have to persist, try harder, wish more Francisco Filho Known as the “Kyokushin Monster” by the Japanese, Brazilian Francisco Filho, was the first non-Japanese to win the Kyokushin World Championship. He was also one of the few people to complete the 100-man Kumite …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/francisco-filho/
Sep 03 2020
Edmond Otis
The challenge to anyone who is dealing with any type of true emergency is universal. Our best chance for success or survival depends on our ability to be our best – when we really need to do our best. Done well, that is exactly what Karate prepares us to do, and asks us to do, …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/edmond-otis/
Sep 01 2020
Chris Rowen
But when you talk of Karate and Karate-do, there is a great difference. Sport Karate is essentially competition and tournament Karate. Karate-do is ‘the way of Karate‘; the side of the art which takes in all the spiritual aspects and philosophical meaning. Chris Rowen A man of many hats, Chris Rowen is the epitome of …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/chris-rowen/
Aug 31 2020
This week in history (31 Aug – 6 Sep)
1 September On 1 September 1923 the plates to Gichin Funakoshi’s book “Ryukyu Kempo: Tode” were destroyed in the Great Kanto earthquake. The earthquake that hit the Japanese island of Honshu in 1923 was one of the most destructive ever recorded and resulted in a tsunami. The cities of Tokyo and Yokohama and the prefectures …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/this-week-in-history-31-aug-6-sep/
Aug 28 2020
Akio Nagai
Today Karate is too often practised as only a sport. But it is ‘not‘ a sport, it is a martial art in the way of life. If you only ever search for medals or winning tournaments with a few easy to learn techniques, you will never find out what ‘Karate-Do‘ through hard physical and mental …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/akio-nagai/
Aug 24 2020
This week in history (24 Aug – 30 Aug)
24 August On 24 August 2000 Andy Hug died from breathing difficulties and multiple organ failure. He was only 35 years old. His death was reported on all the major news channels in Japan. He was survived by his wife Ilona and their son Seya. 25 August On 26 August 1941 Karate instructor and humanitarian, …
Permanent link to this article: http://findingkarate.com/wordpress/this-week-in-history-24-aug-30-aug/
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